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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "Move all windows to this monitor"
Ryan Adams   2009-04-27 14:53
I have a "KWorld Digital ATSC TV Tuner Box DVI" which lets me switch my second monitor between a computer display and a TV source.

I am currently using UltraMon in its trial mode. Here is the problem I am having: Some programs seem to always open on the second monitor while others sometimes open on the second monitor and sometimes on the primary monitor. If I am currently using the second monitor as a TV, there is no way for me to move those windows that open on the second monitor back to the primary monitor. Is there any way to tell UltraMon to move all the windows to the primary monitor, either through a menu or shortcut key?
Christian Studer   2009-04-28 09:06
Currently that's not supported, also not via a custom script. Support for this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Ryan Adams   2009-04-28 11:23
Can you think of any work arounds for this? Is there perhaps a way (wither with UltraMon, Windows, or some other software) to quickly enable/disable the secondary monitor so windows can't open on it?
Christian Studer   2009-04-29 07:46
You could do this with UltraMon, for example with two display profiles, just don't use Disable/Enable Secondary, this would move the application back to the secondary monitor when you enable it again.

It would also be possible to do this with a custom script, let me know if you're interested.

Christian Studer -
Ryan Adams   2009-04-30 04:19
Great idea. I just set up the two profiles and so far, so good.

Perhaps as a addition to future versions, a menu option "move all windows to this monitor" to compliment the "move to other monitor" menu option...
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "Move all windows to this monitor"

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