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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Computer slows while trying to mirror
Ryan Eusanio   2009-04-28 12:20
Hello, I'm looking into purchasing Ultramon to mirror laptops to other sources. However when attempting to mirror them my computer ran very slowly. My processor usage went through the roof and I received a very choppy screen on both monitors.
I've read through the forums and understand that this program takes up a lot of processor speed, however is there a simpler setting that I could put this on to only mirror? If not, can I be directed towards a cheap ($30 dollar range please) program that will allow me to auto-mirror on CPU startup and not significantly slow down my computer?
Christian Studer   2009-04-29 07:50
It's the mirroring which can use lots of CPU, UltraMon itself uses almost nothing. Some things you can try to improve performance:

- reduce the screen update rate under mirroring settings

- check the option to use the same resolution as the source monitor, or uncheck the shrink/stretch mirror image options

The video card's clone mode should have no performance issues, you should be able to permanently set the system to clone mode via the video card software.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Computer slows while trying to mirror

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