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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 3.0.5 and WordPerfect X3
Dale   2009-05-09 03:09
While running 3.0.5, the UltraMon buttons cannot be seen in the title bar while running WordPerfect X3. They are still present; when you know where to click you can still get them to function. But they are invisible. (This is on a machine running 32-bit XP, with an NVIDIA card.)

Maybe not enough people still use WordPerfect for this to be worth fixing, but there you go.
Christian Studer   2009-05-09 10:32
I haven't been able to reproduce this issue with WordPerfect X4, I'm also not sure what might cause this on your system with the X3 release.

Do you have the Nvidia nView Desktop Manager enabled? If yes, disabling it might be worth a try.

Christian Studer -
Dale   2009-05-09 23:50
I did have NVIDIA desktop manager enabled, but disabling it didn't resolve the problem.

Just to be clear, by the way, I'm okay (as far as I know now) with the last official release of Ultramon, so I'm not personally requesting that this be fixed. I just gave the beta a try and noticed this quirk, so I pointed it out.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 3.0.5 and WordPerfect X3

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