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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon dual monitor tiling and specifying single program to monitor without disabling monitor.
brett taylor   2009-05-12 14:08
i have dual monitor. i have a 24 inch high res lcd hooked up to my high res laptop. i play poker for a living. i have multiple poker tables pop up. there is an autotile function on the poker site. however when i do the autotile and 2 monitors are hooked up . they will tile sparatically between the two monitors.

Is there a way to have both of hte monitors working, but where the poker site is only recognized on one of the monitors. I dont mind if i dont have poker tables on both of the monitors. i will have 1 that i mainly have all my poker tables on.

Any settings i change ot make this work? im new to this ultramon and hoping it will work. thanks for all your help.

Christian Studer   2009-05-13 08:33
UltraMon can't automatically tile windows, but tiling windows on only a single monitor is supported in 3.0.4 and later, to do this right-click the taskbar and select This Monitor > Tile... from the menu.

Christian Studer -
brett taylor   2009-05-20 08:22
I wasnt regarding ultramon tiling the actual windows. The poker software automatically tiles the windows for me. However, when i have dual monitor setup, the poker software gets confused when tiling the windows. Is there any way that the ultramon can make this poker software only recognize one monitor while i have a dual monitor set up? thanks.

Christian Studer   2009-05-20 08:45
That's not possible, but one thing you could do is disable the secondary monitor before launching the application, then re-enabling it, this might fix the problem.

You can automate this by specifying custom display settings for the application (right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties, then select the UltraMon - Display tab).

Christian Studer -
brett taylor   2009-05-22 03:23
thanks for your help. unfortunately when i do this it automatically changes when i revert back to 2 monitors. in addition. i often have to re tile tables over and over while im playing many tables and odnt have time to reorganize things when playing. thank you for your help.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon dual monitor tiling and specifying single program to monitor without disabling monitor.

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