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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to disable/enable one monitor in multiple monitors?
roger   2009-05-13 19:57
Hi,all. My computer is connecting two monitors, one is the primary and the other is the secondary. How can I disable/enable the second monitor with codes? I have searched google/msdn for a long time but didn't find proper APIs.

By the way, I tried to use UltraMon's API, IUltraMonMonitor->put_Enabled(..), but it didn't work. I don't know why.

roger   2009-05-13 20:45
I know why the UltraMon'api IUltraMonMonitor->put_Enabled() didn't work, because I didn't call IUltraMonSystem->ApplyMonitorChanges().

So now I just wonder the windows api to complete the same task?

roger   2009-05-21 14:37
Solved. Just re-call ChangeDisplaySettings() again, otherwise, it will take affect after computer restart.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to disable/enable one monitor in multiple monitors?

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