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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> The taskbar is the wrong height
Bubba   2009-05-26 18:01

I'm using Ultramon on trial and it's really upsetting to my sense of symmetry: The taskbar on the second display is like 2 or 3 pixels taller than it should be. It doesn't match the other taskbar. It just looks wrong.

I guess I have OCD or something, cause it's driving me crazy.

Why is the taskbar height incorrect?

I have to be totally honest, I've installed UltraMon about 5 times for 5 years in a row now, and I always notice the same taskbar height problem and just delete the program within a few days.

So I have finall decided to actually try writing the company this time, maybe it will help.

Thanks for your consideration,
Webfox   2009-05-27 01:29
Isn't this problem caused by you using different resolutions on each monitor?
Are you using the same monitors?

That's all I can think of, good luck ;)
Bubba   2009-05-27 02:53
Same monitor on both sides
The UltraMon taskbar is just a few pixels taller
Christian Studer   2009-05-27 09:03
Usually this should match exactly, but it depends on the toolbars you have added to the taskbar.

Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> The taskbar is the wrong height

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