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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can the toolbar on the secondary monitor be moved?
Scott H   2009-05-29 02:18
Can the toolbar on the second monitor be moved around like it can on the primary screen?
Or is it permanently docked at the bottom of the screen?

I thought there might be an option under 'properties' when I right-click on the toolbar but no such luck.

I'd like to be able to place it at the top of the screen, as that's where I prefer the taskbar.

Thanks for any advice!

Scott H   2009-05-29 02:21
Ok, I guess I should have stated that I'm running the MultiMon free download software on Win XP Pro, vers. 2002, service pack 3.

I just installed it and love it.


Scott H   2009-06-02 03:47
Anyone? Bueller?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> can the toolbar on the secondary monitor be moved?

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