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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon be used to keep WinXP from moving icons to a second monitor when the first is disabled?
Chris L.   2009-06-03 12:14
I couldn't find anything about this, so maybe I'm the first to ask?

My PC (WinXP) has dual monitors, a 28" and a 19". My 28" (main, uses a DVI to HDMI cable) is shared using an HDMI switch with a Mac that I've got. The problem is that when I switch from the PC to the Mac, WinXP thinks the main monitor has been disconnected and shoves the entire desktop over to the 19". When I switch back, it won't recognize the 28" at all until I reboot.

Is there a way (with UltraMon, maybe?) to tell WinXP NOT to move the desktop & icons over and act like my main monitor is still connected? That way I can switch back and forth? Any help would be MUCH appreciated, and if UltraMon can do that, I'll buy it. Thanks.

Chris L.
Chris L.   2009-06-03 14:24
After some digging, it appears I need a good KVM and need to drop the HDMI switch.

Chris L.
Christian Studer   2009-06-04 11:03
UltraMon can't prevent the icons from getting moved.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon be used to keep WinXP from moving icons to a second monitor when the first is disabled?

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