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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 3rd monitor won't go to sleep when disabling secondary and stays blank
Cycronexium   2009-06-04 15:49
Hello here is my rig

Intel i7 920 6GB RAM, running Vista 64x
GeForce 9800GT Pcie: 1) Main Monitor 2) Unused
GeForce 9800GT Pcie: 3) Sec Mon 4) Third Mon

Here is my issue. I'm using trial of beta 3.0.5 and in some occations (like when I'm gaming) I like to disable the secondary monitors. I have noticed that when I do this the 3rd monitor (which is the second one on the second card) only goes blank and doesn't go to sleep.

If I leave my desk and come back later I see that all the monitors are in sleep mode except the third monitor who's still open and blank.

I have tried to disable the monitors from Display Settings, actions with same results.

If I let all monitors enabled they will ALL go to sleep correctly at the same time.

I have even tried to create a display profile with only 1 monitor and I get the same result.
Cycronexium   2009-06-04 16:03
1 small precision: I am using the x64 version of the software.

and I have played around with the DisableEnableMonitor script and if I disable monitor 3 it does go to sleep... if after that I disable monitor 2 it GOES BLANK...

so in other terms I don't think its hardware.

i'm at a lost here...
Cycronexium   2009-06-04 16:20
hmmm thought this might help u also:

3 monitors
Current desktop: 5120x1200 (-1600,0 - 3520,1200)

Monitor 1 - SyncMaster T240,SyncMaster Magic T240(Digital) (primary):
Settings: 1920x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1200. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1170
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1600,0 - 0,1200. Workspace: -1600,0 - 0,1170
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1920,0 - 3520,1200. Workspace: 1920,0 - 3520,1170
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor0
Cycronexium   2009-06-05 01:10
Here's more info:

I have tried rebooting, no changes

If I disble the monitor with window's display settings the monitor does go to sleep..
Christian Studer   2009-06-05 08:50
Sounds like a display driver issue, what happens if you disable both secondary monitors via Windows Display Properties?

Christian Studer -
Cycronexium   2009-06-05 09:14
You are right, if I disable both I have the same problem... great cool thank you it gives me a trail to follow and it removes UltraMon from the equation..
John   2009-08-26 08:32
Were you able to find any solution to this Cycronexium? I just ran into the exact same problem. I am using NVIDIA 8800 GTS. I have a GTX 260 I might try it on but since they use the same driver I suspect the same problem will occur.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> 3rd monitor won't go to sleep when disabling secondary and stays blank

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