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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary monitor changes resolutions automatically.
Kyle   2009-06-06 08:42
I run 2 19" wide screen monitors both running at 1440 x 900. When I open some games they automatically re-size the resolution of my primary monitor for the game, but at the same time it re-sizes the resolution of the secondary monitor making it completely unusable, half the screen is shunted off monitor, while part of the primary monitor gets shunted onto the secondary monitor.

Before After Not Visible
_______ _______ _____ ________ ___
|1111111||2222222| |11111| |11|22222| 222|
|_______||_______| |_____| |__|_____| ___|

Sorry for the bad art but I hope it illustrates what is happening.

My question is: Is it possible (via Ultramon, winodws settings, or other software) to make the secondary monitor not change resolutions when the primary monitor gets forcibly changed?

One thing to note is I have already tried to manually set the resolutions of each monitor, and I've also set in game resolutions to limited success, but some of the games I would like to play are old enough that they have no means to change the resolution, and they still mess up my secondary monitors resolution.

Thanks in advance.
Christian Studer   2009-06-07 09:30
I've seen this happen if the secondary monitor is to the right of the primary, the following workarounds should fix the problem:

- move the secondary monitor to the left of the primary before starting the game

- before you start the game, change the resolution of the primary monitor to the one used by the game

You could automate both workarounds by configuring custom display settings for the games via UltraMon, to do this right-click the game's shortcut, select Properties, then select the UltraMon - Display tab.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary monitor changes resolutions automatically.

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