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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell Latitude D610 Help Please
Ethan Kiley   2009-06-06 15:20
I have the monitor plugged into my laptop (the laptop has a monitor attached to it) and it works great.

but ultramon only detects the monitor thats plugged in and not the one attached so i cant move windows and stuff. it would be more then fantastic if you could tell me what to do.

Im very new at 2 monitor tricks so bare with me ok?

Just a newb
ecarlson   2009-06-07 03:27
Are both screens working together? Can you drag windows from one display to the other? If not, then first get it working correctly without UltraMon, and then once it's working correctly, add Ultramon.

- Eric,
Derrick4Real   2009-08-24 22:28
im using a d610 with no problems. did u get this solved yet?
RJ   2009-09-11 11:52
I also have a dell d610 - I can use either monitor but cant get both going at the same time. ???

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell Latitude D610 Help Please

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