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Chris Freestone 2009-06-11 21:40
OK, you're running multi screens and you have an rdp session with the /span switch.
Sadly, the rdp session simply runs as a massively wide screen and everything maximises to the full deskto, including the taskbar. Trying to manage windows in this situation is a pain in the backside.
Could Ultramon be modified so that you can specify virtual screen positions and have maximise buttons for these positions, and Smart Taskbars to fit these areas?
i.e. Virtual monitor 1 is horizontal pixels 1-1280 and virtual monitor 2 is horizontal pixels 1281-2560. Any windows within these areas can be maximized to fit to the left or right virtual monitor and two smart taskbars appear so you can auto-hide the main Windows taskbar?
I wonder how many other people would find this useful, maybe it's just me. :) I use RDP to connect to a virtual machine in a datacentre within the network infrastructure of the client I support, and all my support applications are on there.
Christian Studer 2009-06-12 08:49
I'm going to look into window management features for this scenario for a future release, one app which already does this is SplitView.
For the taskbar I don't see a good solution, you would still need the main taskbar to access the start menu and system tray, and UltraMon can't resize the main taskbar to only occupy a single real monitor.
Christian Studer -
Chris Freestone 2009-11-17 05:19
Looking back to this, thanks for the reply, Christian. I was thinking that I could, say, stick the Windows taskbar up the side of the screen and have UltraMon create its own taskbar treating it as if it were split in two so that apps on the right appear on the right, etc, and the main Windows taskbar is just used for the start menu and systray, perhaps set to auto-hide, with no app tasks sitting on it.
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