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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What controls this behavior?
Don   2009-06-14 02:57
I am using Vista (and Windows Server 2008), and UltraMon runs well on both. I use NVIDIA drivers.

One thing that annoys me, that I hope I can alter - when my PC is logged off, or locked, the secondary screen goes black and the logon only shows on one screen. I have tried to figure out where this behavior is influenced, or if it can be changed at all (I thought under XP with dual monitors both displays were active when the PC was logged off.) Is it --

NVIDIA control panel?
A power setting?
something else?

Thanks - I hope I can change this.

Christian Studer   2009-06-14 08:11
I don't think that's possible, on XP you could change this by disabling the welcome screen under Control Panel > User Accounts, but this option is no longer available on Vista.

Christian Studer -
Don   2009-08-15 21:23
I guess what I am asking is, can UltraMon extend the single monitor display when no one is logged into the system, across both displays?
Christian Studer   2009-08-17 07:13
UltraMon can't do this, I'm also not aware of another way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What controls this behavior?

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