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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> DVD playback on mirrored monitors
Nathan S.   2009-06-19 09:20
I was wanting to use ultramon on a presentation computer I have.
Screen 1 = my workspace
screen 2 = Presentation Screen
Screen 3 = Mirror of Screen 2

The mirroring works fine with simple windows and powerpoint, but if I use it to play a DVD or use my presentation software (easyworship), the window appears, but nothing in it on the mirrored screen.

thanks in advance for your help!

Nathan S.   2009-06-19 09:20
I'm using an Nvidia 7900 for the first 2 screens and an Nvidia 8400 for the third.
Christian Studer   2009-06-20 13:15
You could try if disabling video overlays fixes the problem, you can do this under options for mirroring, but please note that this might cause problems for the video player, some support it, others don't.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> DVD playback on mirrored monitors

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