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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar displays other monitors wallpaper Vista SP2
mac   2009-06-19 10:27
I've read about this being an issue with early releases of Ultramon and with individuals that have "Fences" installed. I have two monitors both have the same resolution. Monitor 1 has monitor 2's wallpaper in the taskbar and vice versa. Now monitor 2 is on the left and is the secondary monitor. If I move monitor 2 to the right and move the monitors in windows display settings to reflect this, the wallpaper is on the correct taskbar. Problem is I want monitor 2 on the left :) One interesting thing to note is that the wallpaper Ultramon builds has the wallpapers backwards from how my actual displays are set up (wallpaper mon 1 on the left and wallpaper mon 2 on the right...Using ver 3.0.5.

Thanks mac
mac   2009-06-20 07:00
Update...I changed the background images and now all is well. The taskbars display the correct wallpaper. Beats me...

Thanks mac
Christian Studer   2009-06-20 13:20
I'm not sure why this would work for you, but usually you'll get the wrong wallpaper behind the taskbar on Vista if you have the secondary on the left of the primary.

This is a Vista issue, seems to be fixed in Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
mac   2009-06-21 06:23
Thanks for the reply. It fixed itself but now it's messed up again. Seems like when my computer came out of sleep mode it was messed up again, but if it's a Vista issue guess I'll just have to deal with it until I make the switch to Windows 7.

Thanks mac
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar displays other monitors wallpaper Vista SP2

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