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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Titan Quest Dual Monitor Span
Archanix   2009-06-20 01:12

When I open Titan Quest it only shows up on my primary monitor.
I have Windows Vista set up to make the desktop span 2 monitors.
I am set at 1440 x 900 resolution on Titan Quest and each monitor.
I have a Geforce 9800 GTX+ with both monitors on DVI.
I unstalled UltraMon, but I don't know how to set it or Windows to do this.

Thank You
ECarlson   2009-06-20 14:02
You probably want to set your video card to "Span" mode, where Windows is fooled into thinking the two monitors are a single really wide (2880 x 900) monitor, then set your game to that same res. Or just run your game in a window, and enlarge the window to cover both monitors in your current "Extended Desktop" mode.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Titan Quest Dual Monitor Span

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