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Two monitors, used separately, two different resolutions John 1 2005-07-10 03:04
multiple PCs & multiple monitors MarkD 2 2005-07-09 11:33
3 Monitor, ATI & NVIDIA Combo. Zykl0 1 2005-07-09 05:24
Opening in new windows Dangermouse 0 2005-07-06 13:15
3 monitos in one PC kostas 0 2005-07-05 13:34
Possible to play game on one monitor and surfing on the other? daizoe 1 2005-07-03 04:18
Wallpapers for 3 and 4 monitors Niels 0 2005-07-01 20:07
Multi-mon blogs? Slackmaster K 1 2005-07-01 13:17
Switching to 2nd monitor when running full-screen prog on 1st? stressed... 2 2005-06-28 13:09
Shutdown on "wrong" monitor Harry Hirschensohn 0 2005-06-28 11:22
Cannot get second monitor in Win98 Bob R 0 2005-06-28 03:11
Radeon 9800 Pro AGP + Radeon 9100 PCI termlk 1 2005-06-27 11:11
Cheapest dual DVI graphics card Russell 2 2005-06-27 11:00
geforce fx5200 (pci) + 5900(agp) 3 monitor problems Farmerjoe 0 2005-06-26 20:37
Somebody PLEASE help me with my ATI Mach 64 card!! J 2 2005-06-25 13:52
What do you use your extra monitors for? Nebben 8 2005-06-25 12:04
Application starts on Desktop where it has started? nreojb 1 2005-06-24 00:27
Scripting monitor changes Alfred Clarke 3 2005-06-23 11:49
Uninstalling drivers for only one of two Geforce cards without removing both? Deam 2 2005-06-21 13:18
Matrox G400- Problem with XP Diddleyman 2 2005-06-21 12:33
free multimon software (research project) Duke Hutchings 0 2005-06-20 03:30
AIM Notifications Erick 0 2005-06-19 16:09
Running Desktop in Span Mode & PCTV in Secondary Monitor JJ 0 2005-06-18 14:44
how to connect second monitor Kaspar 2 2005-06-18 13:28
Spanning a DVD Player window over both screens? Helmut 3 2005-06-18 13:25
Multiple Nvidia ? No way. Max 5 2005-06-17 19:38
3 monitors VGA/PCI having issues Esteban 3 2005-06-17 15:24
Wallpapers on dual monitors Scully 1 2005-06-17 12:00
Screen lag with 3 monitors Russell 2 2005-06-17 09:21
recommendations Monte 0 2005-06-16 10:16

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Forums -> Multiple monitors Post New Topic Display topics