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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon for Mac
Neil Paisnel   2009-08-05 07:00
Just throwing in a request for UltraMon to be developed for the Apple Mac.

I have just gone over to Mac for video editing, and its Multi monitor support is even worse than Windows.

What makes the mc even harder to use is that the menu bar for all applications is ALWAYS in the primary screen. Does not matter if you are working on another screen, you have to go back to the primary screen with the mouse in order to use any meny bar functions...what a cock up of a design.
Christian Studer   2009-08-05 12:55
Thanks for the suggestion, but currently there are no plans for a Mac version of UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Antonio   2009-08-27 00:59
Do yourself a favor and search for a suitable utility. I don't know the name, but several such utilities exist.
Leo McKenzie III   2010-11-28 09:02
Please reconsider creating a mac version of Ultramon. There could be a good business for you guys on that platform.
Joergen   2011-01-03 22:18
I also miss a MAC version of your software.
Gerwin   2011-12-11 02:35
Same problem here!
Kyle   2012-01-23 02:02
Chiming in also. I love ultramon and wish I could have it for the mac as well.
ds   2012-02-01 05:09
Agreed...would love to have this for video editing on a MAC.

Brandon Pasion   2012-04-28 14:43
I also wish you would develop this for mac. So many are using mac for pro presenter, and your software is very helpful
Joe   2012-05-03 05:05
To get a menubar on other monitors for the Mac, you should take a look at SecondBar:

"SecondBar is a Tool which allows you to have more than one menubar in Mac OS X. This is useful if you have multiple monitors connected to your Mac."
Jack Perdue   2013-05-20 07:08
For what it is worth... I have switched all my computers to Mac save my office desktop. That is till tomorrow when I will be completely Mac. UM is one of those PC utilities that have served me well and have updated continually as necessary. I would purchase a Mac version if available. Thanks.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon for Mac

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