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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 and desktop backgrounds
Hans L   2010-01-29 05:12
Not only am I confused about themes vs. desktop backgrounds in Windows 7, but I am also very uncertain about how to put a different Windows 7 six-picture "slideshow" as a desktop background on each of my three monitors. Could someone help?


Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-01-29 09:12
This won't work, you'll either need to use Windows or UltraMon to manage the wallpaper. UltraMon currently doesn't have a built-in wallpaper changer.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2010-01-30 00:48
Thanks, Christina.

Would you happen to know if Windows 7 would allow different wallpapers on different monitors?


Hans L
Hans L   2010-01-30 01:21
Sorry for mangling your name, Christian.

Hans L
Hans L   2010-01-30 03:13
Christian, do you plan to create a built-in wallpaper changer or even a function that may allow Windows 7 themes (which means changing wallpapers at Win7-set intervals)?


Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-01-30 08:49
Not really, only the same way as UltraMon does it, with a single wallpaper which gets tiled across all monitors.

Support for a wallpaper changer will be considered for a future release. There are already a couple of custom scripts for changing wallpapers, look for the ChangeWallpaper and UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer scripts.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2010-01-30 11:10

I have downloaded the script UltraMon Wallpaer Auto, and read the posts for the related Change Wallpaer.

However, I am such a novice on scripts and wonder where to put it? I have the default install for UM.

Also, if I want to have six wallpapers for each my three monitors, how do I set up the profile structure?


Hans L
Rave   2010-01-30 23:55
for "center" and "tile" will be useful to have ability to attach wallpaper to a side of the screen or side+side (corner).
Hans L   2010-01-31 03:24
Rave, I am not really sure what you are trying to say in relation to this thread?


Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-01-31 06:39
You can set up multiple wallpaper profiles via UltraMon menu > Wallpaper, click on 'New profile' to add a wallpaper profile.

You can put the ChangeWallpaper script in a folder of your choice, if you want it to get started at system startup you can create a shortcut to the script, then place that shortcut in the Start Menu > Programs > Startup folder.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2010-02-02 08:23
Okay, I will go ahead!


Hans L
Hans L   2010-02-03 08:18
Christian, when I read ...

' Usage:
' Set UltraMon 'Default' wallpaper for each monitor
' to an image in a folder containing images for that monitors wallpaper.
' Run UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer.

... I am lost already. And what does that have to do with "Wallpaer profiles" in the UltraMon Wallpaper window?

Here is what I have:

A folder with 18 jpg images ("stolen" from "C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT"), 6 to be 'rotated' for each monitor.

I also have

C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Wallpaper Auto Changer\UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer 2.vbs (I created the folder)

and I have

C:\Users\"My name"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer 2.lnk

Now, what do I have to do?


Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-02-04 06:19
To set this up, first create 3 folders for the wallpaper images (one folder for each set of 6 images).

Now create a new wallpaper profile named Default via UltraMon menu > Wallpaper, select the option 'a different background/image for each monitor', then select an image from a different folder for each of the 3 monitors.

The UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer 2 script will then handle the rest.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2010-02-04 09:45
Okay, working now (although no changes yet, but I am sure that will work too). So, one question remains:

Where do I change rotation interval? File UMWPAutoChanger.cfg mentioned in the .vba file does not seem to exist on my computer (searched with "Everythng Search, a lightening-fast app. No hit).


Hans L
Hans L   2010-02-04 13:03
Afraid I was wrong. Three hours later, same pics on the respective monitor (different pics on each monitor, but no rotation).

So, here is what I have:

- C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Wallpaper Auto Changer\UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer 2.vbs

- C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Hans wallpapers\Wallpapers_CA\CA-wp1.jpg (+CA-wp2.jpg - CA-wp6.jpg)
and same for two other similar folders.

- C:\Users\"My name"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer 2.lnk

- Default profile pointing at

~ C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Hans wallpapers\Wallpapers_US\US-wp1.jpg

~ C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Hans wallpapers\Wallpapers_GB\GB-wp1.jpg

~ C:\Program Files\UltraMon\Hans wallpapers\Wallpapers_CA\CA-wp1.jpg

Seems like the sure thing, but it does not work. What should I do?


Hans L
Hans L   2010-02-05 02:42
Hello again:

I had not, I believe, restarted my computer after I configured for rotating wallpapers. So, I did, but at some point after turn off/turn on, I got an error message that said:

UltraMon Desktop encountered a fatal error and will exit. Version: 3.0.9
OS: 6.1.7600 x32 [Windowes 7/Hans]
Source file: .\Wallpaperutil.cpp
Line: 179
Return value: -2147467259
Last error: 5

(I do not know when it happened, because I was out of my office.)

But then, I turned the computer off again, and then on, and now, things seem to work.

Now, wallpapers shift every 1 minute, so I still need to know, please, where to set the interval.

Best regards, and thanks for this script.

Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-02-05 08:43
You'll get this error if UltraMon failed to update the wallpaper settings, not sure why this happened in your case.

You should now have the UMWPAutoChanger.cfg file in the wallpaper folder, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\3.0.9\Wallpapers. Edit the file to change the interval.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2010-02-05 09:09
Okay, UMWPAutoChanger.cfg found (earlier, my "Search Everything" obviously had not indexed this file yet).

I got another error message. Same as the one above. Don't know yet exactly when it happened. Will look for pattern. Could possibly have been when I inserted a USB stick.

Best regards,

Hans L
Hans L   2010-02-06 12:26
One final thing. I set up the rotating wallpapers on my wife's computer/2 monitors, but she has the resolution 1024 x 768, while I have 1280 x 1024. The wallpaper images shows up perfectly on my monitors, but on my wife's, the images "bleed" outside the monitor margins. I should probably know how to fix this, but I'm just drawing a blank. How can she make the images fit her monitors?

Thanks again,

Hans L
Christian Studer   2010-02-07 07:42
Most likely you currently have the image style option set to Center, changing that to 'Stretch proportional' should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
hackmeifucan   2017-08-02 04:38
You can use Rainmeter app and customize your own cool desktop
Found this list of latest themes:
hackmeifucan   2017-08-02 04:39
Found this list of latest themes: Best Rainmeter skins
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 and desktop backgrounds

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