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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Window Positions
Rob   2010-02-06 20:35
I use Win XP with two screens and UltraMon 3.0.3.
Two windows open on my left screen when my PC starts - MS Outlook 2003 and a file management program called PowerDesk Pro 7.
I carefully set the two windows of those programs so they take up a large space, but are not full size/maximised. They overlap, but I can always see part of one of the windows.
I have saved the Desktop Icons in UltraMon
There are no compatibility settings for the 2 programs, and I can't see any other setting that might affect the 2 program windows.
Yet every time I start up the PC, the 2 program windows have shrunk to a smaller size and are in a different position to where I left them.
Any ideas?

Christian Studer   2010-02-07 07:46
Are you using UltraMon to position the two applications, via custom settings for the application shortcuts (shortcut properties > UltraMon - Window tab)?

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-02-08 18:47
Thanks for the reply Christian, but I'm afraid I don't understand the question.
My Ultramon 3.0.3 does not have a Window Tab.

Christian Studer   2010-02-09 08:44
You can use UltraMon to position an application, to set this up right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab.

But if you didn't configure custom position settings via UltraMon, UltraMon doesn't get involved with application positioning.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-02-09 19:01
Thank you, Christian.
I wasn't sure which application shortcut you meant or where to find it, but eventually realised it must be the one in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users[or user]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup directory.
That’s brilliant! I have set it to “Remember last window position”, and it works great now.
But I had previously searched and searched for this issue, and never even realised Ultramon had added extra tabs to the application shortcuts in the Startup directories. So maybe the facility should be highlighted in the next Help or setup instructions.
Rob   2010-02-12 22:22
A further problem - I keep my Windows taskbar at the top of the screen instead of the more usual bottom of the screen. (It's much handier.)

But now, the two program windows that open on startup, which I have set to “Remember last window position” in the UltraMon - Window tab in Properties, are now opening underneath the taskbar - they are not opening where I left them.
Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2010-02-13 12:20
Is the taskbar set to be always on top?

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-02-18 21:03
Yes - the taskbar is set to be "always on top".
It is two bars, or rows, thick.
Rob   2010-02-18 21:11
The same problem happens, whether taskbar is locked or not.
Christian Studer   2010-02-19 07:14
I've been able to reproduce the issue, if Show is set to Last Used Position, and you have a taskbar at the top of the screen, UltraMon will move the application up a bit every time you launch it. I'll look into this for the next release.

As a workaround, set Show to Normal and set a specific position for the application.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-02-21 20:10
Dear Christian
Thank you for that.

I shall try the workaround and see how that works, and look forward to seeing it fixed in the next upgrade.

(As an aside, having the taskbar at the top is so much more efficient (once one is used to it) because one does not have to move the cursor so far.)

Kind regards
Rob   2010-02-23 19:09
Dear Christian
I'm having a problem making the workaround "stick".
As I said I have Outlook and PowerDeskExplorer Pro(PDE) open on startup.

On the UltraMon Window tab of the properties window of the Outlook & PDE shortcuts in the User's Startup directory, in ‘Use Custom Settings’ I set "Show" to Normal and set specific "at positions" for the left, top, width and height positions of the applications.
The "Apply" button was grayed out, leaving 'OK' and 'Cancel'. I clicked 'OK' to close.

At this point, if I open either of the properties windows again, the settings are remembered.

However, if I restart Windows XP and then open the properties window of the Outlook or PDE shortcuts, the ‘Use Custom Settings’ have now changed so "Show" is altered to ‘Last Used Position’.

Therefore my Outlook and PDE windows are opening in the wrong positions and the PDE window is again opening under the taskbar at the top of the screen. Strangely, the PDE window seems to flash in the right place at first, before moving under the taskbar, but it is very quick, so I am not 100% sure.

Do you have any idea how to make the “Use Custom Settings” stick?

Christian Studer   2010-02-24 10:03
I'm not sure what would cause this, what happens if you delete the existing shortcuts and create new ones, maybe with different names?

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-03-01 17:45
Thanks christian
That seems to have done the trick - at least for today's start up!
Best regards
Rob   2010-03-16 18:43
For some reason the windows don't always stay in their given positions, even though no adjustment/change has been made. My Outlook window is staying in the same place, but the Powerdesk Explorer window has reverted to a previous position when it opens.
Kind regards
Rob B
Christian Studer   2010-03-17 11:05
What settings are you using for the Powerdesk Explorer, for example Last Used Position or something else?

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-03-25 19:46
Hi Christian
Running Windows XP.
In the Properties window of the shortcut in the
start up folder
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
the shortcut target, set to run in a "Normal window", is
"C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UltraMonShortcuts.exe" /l C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\ShellShortcuts\PowerDesk 7 (2).umshortcut

Nothing is ticked in the compatability tab.

In the Ultramon Display tab, nothing is ticked.

In the UltraMon Window tab the settings are:
Use custom settings - ticked
Show - "Normal"
on monitor - not ticked
At postion - ticked/selected
Left - "64"
Top - "76"
Width - "1217"
Height - "950"
These positions are what I want.
But the window opens in a smaller size, and lower down the screen.
Then, I fiddle around and enlarge it to the right size, then maximize it with button at top right, then reduce it with button at top right, and close it. That saves the position in Windows.
But eventually it opens in the wrong position again.
Because it only happens on start-up, I'm not sure what's happening. I'll see if I can make it repeat itself.
But, in the meantime you might spot something.
Christian Studer   2010-03-26 10:56
Looks okay, unfortunately I can't test with PowerDesk myself (no trial version).

One thing you could test: when this happens the next time, close PowerDesk, then start it again via the shortcut in the Startup folder. Check if the application gets positioned correctly the second time.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-03-28 19:40
Dear Christian
Yes - it does open in the right position.
I assume then that the program's own settings (or Windows settings) must be over-riding Ultra-mon's?
(I don't know where to look for these)

Or else, could it be because the start-up shortcut is in the "all users" directory, rather than the "current user", i.e my, directory?

Kind regards
Christian Studer   2010-03-29 08:37
Maybe it's a timing issue of some kind, not sure though what exactly might cause this.

Would you be interested in a script which waits for a couple of seconds, then runs the shortcut? You could then place the script in the startup folder instead of the shortcut, and the script would run the shortcut after the specified delay.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-03-29 23:21
Thank You Christian
I would indeed.
Kind regards
Christian Studer   2010-03-30 10:13
I have uploaded a script which does this: ApplyShortcutDelayed

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-04-10 19:17
Thank you Christian.
I have taken some time to reply because I thought I understood the script and what to do with it, but despite many efforts, I haven’t been able to get it to run properly.

First I placed the Powerdesk Explorer startup short cut with the Ultramon tabs (originally called PowerDesk7 [with no extension]) and put it in the Quick Launch directory.
C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
I then renamed it PowerDesk7.umshortcut
I then set the Utlramon Tab to the correct window position settings “Ticked “use custom settings, show Normal, with “at positions”)
Its target properties are:
"C:\Program Files\UltraMon\UltraMonShortcuts.exe" /l C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\ShellShortcuts\PowerDesk7.umshortcut

Then I named the script “ApplyShortcutDelayed.VBS” and placed it in the All Users Startup directory:
C\Documents and Settings\All Users\StartMenu\Programs\Startup
I edited so the script reads
Const SHORTCUT = "C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\PowerDesk7.umshortcut"
Const WAIT_NUM_SEC = 3 'number of seconds to wait before running the shortcut
Set util = CreateObject("UltraMon.Utility")
util.Sleep WAIT_NUM_SEC * 1000

The first time it ran I got a message saying:
"Open File - Security Warning. Do you want to open this file? Name ApplyShortcutDelayed.vbs Type VBScript Script file.
"Open" or "Cancel" buttons
Always ask before opening this file?" This last line was ticked.
I unticked it, so the script would run ok every time, and it now does start every time without repeating this question.

Anyway, when initially when I clicked on the "Open" button or now, when it runs without asking, I get the same message:

Windows Script Host
Script: Script: C\Documents and Settings\All Users\StartMenu\Programs\Startup\ApplyShortcutDelayed.vbs
Line: 5
Char: 1
Error: Filename or class name not found during automation operation
Code: 800A01B0
Source: MS VBSript runtime error.

Can you see what I am doing wrong – I’m sure it is simple, but I can’t see it.

Thanks and kind regards
Christian Studer   2010-04-11 10:46
Most likely you're missing the correct file extension for the shortcut, if this is a regular shortcut it should have the .lnk extension:

Const SHORTCUT = "C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\PowerDesk7.umshortcut.lnk"

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-04-16 05:52
Dear Christian.
That sounded like the solution, but it didn’t work, although the script error did change.

The relevant filename is PowerDesk7.umshortcut

And it is in the following directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\

Therefore the VBS script in my Start|Programs|Startup directory reads:

Const SHORTCUT = "C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\PowerDesk7.umshortcut.lnk"
Const WAIT_NUM_SEC = 3 'number of seconds to wait before running the shortcut
Set util = CreateObject("UltraMon.Utility")
util.Sleep WAIT_NUM_SEC * 1000

If I copy the following line from the script into the Start|Run window and press enter, then my Powerdesk utility opens without any problems.
C:\Documents and Settings\rb\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\PowerDesk7.umshortcut.lnk

But, when Windows starts, I get the message
Windows Script Host
Script: Script: C\Documents and Settings\All Users\StartMenu\Programs\Startup\ApplyShortcutDelayed.vbs
Line: 5
Char: 1
Error: Unspecified error
Code: 80004005
Source: (null)

Any new ideas?
Christian Studer   2010-04-16 09:23
Not sure what might cause this, please send me the edited script you're currently using to

Christian Studer -
Rob   2010-04-25 18:32
After a number of e-mails between Christian and me, the problem has been solved. The script runs perfectly, and all my windows open in the right position when Windows starts.
The script to be placed in the Windows Startup folder which will open a program window (in this case PowerDesk7) should read as follows:

Const SHORTCUT = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\ShellShortcuts\PowerDesk7.umshortcut"
Const WAIT_NUM_SEC = 3 ' or number of seconds to wait before running the shortcut
Set util = CreateObject("UltraMon.Utility")
util.Sleep WAIT_NUM_SEC * 1000

That is because, UltraMon makes a special shortcut ending with the filename ".umshortcut" and places it in the above directory.
Therefore any script to make a window open according to Ultramon rules must be made to point at that ".umshortcut" file.

Many thanks Christian.
Teppup   2011-10-17 08:32
For whatever reason I cannot get Ultramon to remember where I left Starcraft 2's window. I set it to fullscreen windowed, and I don't want it in my main display with everything else so I move it over to the monitor I want it on then go to the shortcut, properties, ultramon-window and set to custom position and it still launched in my primary monitor. So I used the little tool to tell it exact coordinates and it still refuses to open in my secondary monitor. Any help? Am I doing it wrong?
Christian Studer   2011-10-17 10:39
Teppup, can you move the window using a Move Window hotkey (UltraMon Options > Hotkeys)?

Christian Studer -
Teppup   2011-10-17 11:17
Yes, I setup shift+right arrow and it will move it that way. I think it may be because the game launches a patcher first, then the game and the game itself is setup in windowed(fullscreen), not pure windowed. When setup just as a normal window it moves it without a problem.
Teppup   2011-10-17 11:29
It's really every game I try to set up a position with. Most games prefer the primary monitor and I can't figure out how to make UltraMon follow my custom coords for the games.
Christian Studer   2011-10-18 09:32
That would explain the problem, UltraMon would then try to position a window created by the patcher process instead of the actual game.

Regarding other games: in general UltraMon can't move fullscreen games, are you sure the Move Window hotkey works with those games as well?

Alternatively you can change the primary monitor for the game on the UltraMon - Display tab, UltraMon will then restore the original primary monitor when the game exits.

Christian Studer -
Travis Feiock   2011-11-16 16:48
My question is we have some PC's that do not have admin right and run flash on one screen and ppt on the other automatically after restarting. I want ultramon to do this automatically but when logged in as the non admin user i do not have the extra ultramon tabs. Does anyone know what permissions a user need to have the extra tabs for ultramon in the props of each app?

Thanks Travis.
Christian Studer   2011-11-17 08:55
My guess would be that the shortcuts are for all users, meaning a non-admin user won't be able to change any settings for the shortcuts, which will prevent UltraMon from adding the tabs.

I would recommend creating new shortcuts via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts.

Christian Studer -
Martin   2014-02-05 02:13

The UltraMon - Window tab seems to be missing on my shortcut properties. How can I make it show up?

Using 3.1.0:

2 monitors
Current desktop: 3360x1050 (-1680,0 - 1680,1050)

Monitor 1 - Philips 220V:
Settings: 1680x1050, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1680,0 - 0,1050. Workspace: -1680,0 - 0,1020
Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - Philips 220V (primary):
Settings: 1680x1050, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1680,1050. Workspace: 0,0 - 1680,1020
Video card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Christian Studer   2014-02-05 12:56
Is the Target field (on the Shortcut tab) for those shortcuts grayed out? In that case UltraMon won't be able to extend the shortcut, you would need to create a new one via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Window Positions

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