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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 2nd monitor task bar covers bottom of maximized window
Hunter   2010-05-23 04:08
Have ultramon installed on windows 7. On the second monitor, I have Outlook always open and maximized. Instead of maximizing so the bottom of the window sits at the top of the ultramon taskbar, it fills the whole screen down to the bottom, so the bottom of the Outlook window is covered by the taskbar. Anyone know of any potential fixes?
Christian Studer   2010-05-23 09:38
Make sure you're using a recent release (3.0.9 or later), and that the taskbar is set to be always on top, you can change this option via right-click on the UltraMon taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Brian   2011-03-02 05:09
I am using 3.1.0 and this is still happening. I have confirmed that the taskbar is set to Always Be On Top, and Auto-Hide is Disabled. Any thoughts?
Christian Studer   2011-03-02 08:31
Does this happen immediately after startup, or did you notice anything which seems to cause the issue? Also let me know which version of Windows you're using.

Christian Studer -
Kyle Peschel   2011-03-08 07:56
I'd like to report the same problem.

* Window 7
* 64 bit machine
* Ultramon 3.1.0

Occasionally, maximized windows on my second monitor which is using the smart taskbar has the taskbar go "over" the maximized window making the bottom 1/2" unreadable. This is particularly annoying when using office apps that have the bottom portion with vital information.

When I installed 3.1.0 (which was an upgrade of the previous version). The windows worked great (as expected). I can confirm that I do have "smart task bar" enabled. Then I rebooted my machine and when I maximized office and moved it to my second monitor the task bar went over the top.

It appears that going to the systray, right clicking the menu, choosing smart task bar and re-enabling it resolves it. How long it is fixed for is undetermined because I've seen it go bad again from here.

Hope this helps a bit.

This is my single largest annoyance with the application and ultimately what caused me to try the demo of Displayfusion for a while even though I'm a paying customer of Ultramon.

Looking forward to a resolution
Kyle Peschel   2011-03-08 07:57
* I should note that I had this problem with the previous version of ultramon as well.
Christian Studer   2011-03-08 08:00
Have you noticed anything which seems to cause the problem, for example running a specific application?

Christian Studer -
Richard Paiementq   2011-03-09 01:43
I also have this exact problem.

I'm been using UltraMon with two monitors for about 3 years, first with Vista then Windows 7, without any problem.

Two months ago, I changed my computer, again with W7, and coinciding with this change (+/- some days, I wasn't really paying attention to a problem that didn't exist) UltraMon started giving me this problem. I though it might have been the latest release 3.1.0, so I moved back to 3.0.9 but it does the same thing so I'm back with 3.1.0.

After W7 reboot or after closing and restarting UltraMon everything is ok, but at some point in time (usually an hour or two) the UltraMon taskbar on the 2nd monitor stops interacting properly with windows on that monitor.

Regardless of whether the taskbar is forced to auto-hide or not, it remains on screen and hides the bottom of maximized windows. So the taskbar does not auto-hide when it should, and application windows don't adjust to the taskbar presence.

My only solution for now is to close and restart UltraMon but as another use mentioned, this is annoying.

Could this new issue have been cause by a Microsoft patch?
Christian Studer   2011-03-09 09:00
Difficult to say, but I haven't seen this myself so far (fully patched 64-bit Windows 7 SP1), and I rarely reboot (only hibernate/standby). Did you install any new applications on the new system which you didn't have installed on the old system?

Christian Studer -
Richard Paiement   2011-03-18 03:14
I may have found my solution in reading the other thread on "Smart Taskbar hides bottom of maximized windows when using DisplayLink based USB-DVI adapter" in this Forum ... nView Desktop Manager. I've disabled it and UltraMon has been behavingn properly for a few hours. I'll report back in a wek or so.
Richard Paiement   2011-03-21 06:03
Disabling nView Desktop Manager fixed my problem.
Christian Studer   2011-03-21 09:01
Glad to hear that, thanks for the update.

Christian Studer -
Andy Barcus   2011-04-04 05:06
I have this issue from time to time as well, but do not know the cause.

I have an ATI video card.

I was experiencing it just now and resolved without restarting Ultramon: I rt clicked the Ultramon bar on the second monitor, changed always on top to no, minimized all my windows, because the toolbar dipped under them, right clicked the ultramon bar again and checked the always on top option.

As it happens, I remote controlled this machine from home through LogMeIn this morning before coming into the office. I have LogMeIn set to match resolutions as my single display at home is smaller than either of the dual displays at work. I use the LogMeIn Display Accelerator and the option for blanking the remote display during the session.

Running UltraMon 3.1.0 on Windows 7 64 bit.

2 monitors
Current desktop: 1920x2160 (0,-1080 - 1920,1080)

Monitor 1 - VA2431 Series (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,0 - 1814,1080
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - VA2431 Series:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,-1080 - 1920,0. Workspace: 0,-1080 - 1804,0
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
Bill Church   2011-04-25 04:11
I was having this same problem on a Win7 64-bit fully patched system using Aero as my theme. I do have the DisplayLink USB display adapter and while under WinXP never had an issue, using Win7 I am. But I'm happy to say that the previous fix of turning off Always On Top, minimizing the applications, turning on Always On Top, then restoring the applications seems to do the trick. I don't know what causes the system to get confused as to available desktop space, but it would be nice if it could be investigated and fixed.
Kyle Peschel   2011-04-28 14:06
Disabling nView Desktop Manager fixed my problem too.
David   2011-06-06 02:52
I had this same problem on Windows 7 using 3.1.0. All of my options in the secondary taskbar were set to 'Same as Main Taskbar'. I changed them to:
- Position: Bottom
- Always on top: Yes
- Auto-Hide: No
- Locked: Yes

After shutting down and restarting UltraMon, all of my windows now size properly and the secondary monitor's taskbar is not on top of them.
Julius Kelly   2015-07-14 00:46
I am having the same issue. After a fresh reboot, the taskbars all work fine (i have 3 monitors) - meaning the apps aren't behind the taskbar.

However, after about two hours. All tasks bars function like a frame on top of all applications and cut off part of my apps.

How can this be resolved without having to reboot? Is theres a patch I can apply?

I have windows 8.1, latest, 3 monitors, AMD FirePro graphic card (a very robust gaming video card...

Christian Studer   2015-07-14 14:52
Julius, which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Chris   2015-10-28 16:53
I've been using Ultramon for many many years and have had this issue for over a year now. It occurs several times a week and I'm running 3.3.0. Running Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit. My work around is to turn auto hide on, then back off and it resolves it for a day or two. Output from Ultramon is below. Please help.


2 monitors
Current desktop: 3520x1080 (-1600,0 - 1920,1080)

Monitor 1 - Generic PnP Monitor:
Settings: 1600x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1600,0 - 0,900. Workspace: -1600,30 - 0,900
Video card: AMD FirePro M2000
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - HP E231 (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,30 - 1920,1080
Video card: AMD FirePro M2000
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Christian Studer   2015-10-29 14:06
Chris, does the taskbar get hidden behind maximized windows, or does the top of maximized windows get hidden behind the taskbar?

Christian Studer -
Dana   2016-04-21 15:52
Same here. If I have Chrome open on Monitor 1, and click to view a web page full screen, it covers the taskbar nicely. If I then switch to Monitor 2 and click inside an application running on that monitor to shift focus from Monitor 1, the taskbar on Monitor 1 appears over top of the full-screen web page. It's very annoying.
Christian Studer   2016-04-22 14:28
Windows just handles this differently from UltraMon, the main taskbar on the primary monitor gets shown again when a fullscreen window is no longer the active window, whereas the UltraMon taskbars on secondary monitors stay hidden as long as the fullscreen window is the topmost window on that monitor.

This is for Windows 7 and earlier, on Windows 8 and later all taskbars are handled by Windows.

Christian Studer -
Paul Fenstermacher   2016-05-03 05:38
Been running UltraMon for years, currently on version 3.3.0. Windows 10, three external monitors and laptop monitor. On my primary monitor the task bar is hidden as expected, on the other three monitors the task bar is always visible which covers the bottom of any screen on those monitors. I haven't found a way to make it hide on the other three monitors.
Christian Studer   2016-05-03 14:03
Are you using autohide for the taskbar?

Christian Studer -
Paul Fenstermacher   2016-05-09 10:52
Yes, auto hide is selected when I look at the properties on any monitor.
Christian Studer   2016-05-09 11:50
Seems to be a Windows 10 issue, according to another user enabling the search box for the taskbar fixes the issue, see this thread for more information.

Christian Studer -
Paul Fenstermacher   2016-05-20 06:19
Interesting, all I had to do was not hide Cortana and all of my task bars now hide as expected, even after a reboot. Thanks.
Gaiiden   2016-06-04 20:23
Thanks for this - I was wondering what change I made to have all the secondary taskbars no longer auto hide after I restarted. When I made the Cortana icon reappear they all slid down I didn't even have to restart.

Hopefully an issue that can be fixed with the next release that fully supports Win10. FWIW, you can choose to hide the Cortana icon after you show it and the secondary auto-hide still works. Just the next time you restart the computer you'll have to show/hide it again

Thx for a great product, been using it for years
Eric Crawford   2016-06-13 12:29
Kyle Peschel's note on 2011-03-08 07:56 resolved this issue for me even 4 years later. Thanks!
Fred   2016-09-22 09:21
Im on Windows 7 x64 running 3.3.0.
I am also having the issue where randomly the taskbar would all of a sudden be on top of everything and my maximized windows would go behind it.
Trying Kyle Peschel's solution where you right click on the Ultramon in systray, choosing smart task bar and re-enabling it resolves it. But for how long this stays varies. It could go on for days without screwing up again, but then right back to where it was.

3 monitors
Current desktop: 4320x900 (-1440,0 - 2880,900)

Monitor 1 - HP L1908w (primary):
Settings: 1440x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1440,900. Workspace: 0,30 - 1440,900
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - HP L1908w:
Settings: 1440x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1440,0 - 2880,900. Workspace: 1440,0 - 2844,900
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - HP LE1901w:
Settings: 1440x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1440,0 - 0,900. Workspace: -1440,30 - 0,900
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0
Christian Studer   2016-09-22 15:12
Fred, have you noticed anything which causes the issue?

Christian Studer -
sam   2016-09-28 11:13
Found this thread having the same issue. In the processing of trying to replicate the workaround it seems I found another workaround that works for me. The issue for me is the taskbar covering up the bottom of my rdc in full-screen mode on 2nd monitor. If the ultamon task bar is in the way right click it > always ontop > same as main taskbar > click anywhere in rdc connection.

The weird thing here is that "same as main taskbar" is already selected, i just click it again.

Anyway, it's an extra step and is a little annoying, but ultra mon is still awesome!
Christian Studer   2016-09-28 13:57
Sam, selecting the option again should have no effect, but maybe giving the taskbar the focus is what fixes the issue, when you get this the next time please try if left-clicking a free area on the taskbar fixes the issue as well.

Christian Studer -
sam   2016-09-29 09:57
thanks Christian, you are right. i just right click the task bar then click anywhere in my rdc screen and i'm good. thanks!
Christian Studer   2016-09-29 15:13
Glad to hear that. Does this happen whenever you use Remote Desktop or only occasionally?

Christian Studer -
sam   2016-10-11 09:54
only when i use remote desktop, and it seems to happen every time. other windows i have open and maximized for firefox and windows file manager work without any issues. i've messed around with the settings for position, always on-top, auto hide, locked, but can't seem to get it working. honestly, now that i know i can just right click the tool bar then click into the rdc window, i would pretty much call this a non-issue for me.
Christian Studer   2016-10-11 13:46
Sam, I have now tested with fullscreen Remote Desktop on the secondary monitor, but so far haven't seen the issue. I tested with UltraMon 3.3.0 on 64-bit Windows 7.

If you're using an earlier version of UltraMon it might be worth a try to install 3.3.0.

Christian Studer -
Florian   2017-04-19 06:15
I also got this error whenever I switch a Youtube video to full screen. Is there no other workaround than the right and left click way?
Florian   2017-04-19 06:16
I'm on Windows 7 x64 with Ultramon 3.3.0 btw...
Christian Studer   2017-04-19 14:23
Florian, which browser are you using?

Christian Studer -
Florian   2017-04-20 13:48
I'm using Firefox, but I also tried Opera. Same results.
Florian   2017-04-21 10:09
Though I must add that some other applications (Media Play Classic for example) do not show the task bar in full screen.
Christian Studer   2017-04-21 16:04
I've been able to reproduce the issue with Firefox 53.0 on Windows 7, will look into this for the next release. You'll have the same issue when switching Firefox to fullscreen mode by pressing F11.

Christian Studer -
Florian   2017-05-12 08:16
This problem now happens on other applications, too.
When can we expect the next release?
Christian Studer   2017-05-13 04:23
With which other applications do you have the problem?

The next release should be ready around end of June.

Christian Studer -
Florian   2017-05-13 09:07
Problem also occurs when going fullscreen in Honeyview (image viewing software)
Florian   2017-05-13 09:56
Other image viewing tools show same results.
Steve Martin   2017-07-27 08:03
I am having the same issue using three monitors. It appears whenever my screens turn off via screen saver OR after I have anything in full screen mode on any of the three monitors the task bar on the 2nd and 3rd monitor overlay the browser (Chrome, IE, Explorer Window, Office products, Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc..) I can get it to come back by right clicking on Ultramon icon and clicking Smart Taskbar Enable.. Once i do that I am set, until I either go full screen with something or the monitors go to sleep. Below is my information when it is working fine.

3 monitors
Current desktop: 5440x1080 (0,0 - 5440,1080)

Monitor 1 - E248W-1920 (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1040
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - HP 2009:
Settings: 1600x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 3840,180 - 5440,1080. Workspace: 3840,180 - 5440,1040
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - E248W-1920:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1920,0 - 3840,1080. Workspace: 1920,0 - 3840,1040
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0
Steve Martin   2017-07-27 12:02
This is the settings right after the screen go to sleep or screen saver starts:

3 monitors
Current desktop: 5440x1080 (0,0 - 5440,1080)

Monitor 1 - E248W-1920 (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1040
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - HP 2009:
Settings: 1600x900, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 3840,180 - 5440,1080. Workspace: 3840,180 - 5440,1040
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - E248W-1920:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1920,0 - 3840,1080. Workspace: 1920,0 - 3840,1080
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0
Christian Studer   2017-07-27 15:05
Steve, which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Steve Martin   2017-07-28 15:52
Version 3.3.0
Windows 7 Home Premium
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Video card
dual 24" screens and a 20" screen.

1 HDMI and the DVI are the 2nd and 3rd.
Christian Studer   2017-08-01 03:34
The problem is that after resuming from sleep monitor 3 no longer has screen area reserved for the taskbar, which causes maximized applications to cover the whole screen. The issue with fullscreen applications is something else and not related to this.

I've done some testing on Windows 7 but so far haven't been able to reproduce the issue, after resuming from sleep both secondary taskbars still had screen area reserved for them.

If you're interested I could create a test version of UltraMonTaskbar.exe which collects diagnostic information to try to figure out what's going on. Contact me by e-mail at if you would like to do this. I would need to know if you're using the 32- or 64-bit version of UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 2nd monitor task bar covers bottom of maximized window

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