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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Home and Work use, licenses?
rav   2010-06-21 09:18
I currently only use Ultramon at Work. We just updated to Windows 7, I've been using Win7 at home for a while but only with one monitor. I'm thinking of using 2 monitors at home as well.

Will I have to buy a second license for use at home?

Christian Studer   2010-06-22 08:14
If you're the sole user of the software you'll only need a single license to use UltraMon both at work and at home, UltraMon is licensed either per user or per computer (same cost per license).

If the license belongs to your employer, you might want to check with them if this is okay for them as well.

Christian Studer -
rav   2010-06-23 12:02
Awesome, Thanks for the info.
I purchased the license. I do think we have purchased licenses at work too but haven't bothered IT about it.
Going to install it at home now. :D
Angel   2014-03-07 07:28
I have the same delima and question. I was wondering how your installation to both home and work went. Any issues?

Janelle   2016-08-03 23:36
Hi there,

Further to this thread, my situation is similar but the reverse to the original question, in that I have purchased an UltraMon licence for personal / home use but would also like to use it at work.

So just wanting to confirm that the licencing conditions will still allow for this scenario or whether a 2nd licence is required to be purchased? I am the sole user of the software.
Christian Studer   2016-08-04 11:53
Janelle, that's fine, if you're the sole user of the software you only need a single license to use the software both at home and at work.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Home and Work use, licenses?

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