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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 thumbnails only working on primary monitor
Jon   2010-08-28 03:52
I'm currently running Windows 7 64-bit on 2 monitors.

I'm not sure if this has been brought up or not, but I've noticed that the Windows thumbnail function for applications such as IE and WMP (when you mouse over the application on the taskbar, a little information window pops up) only works on the primary monitor even with smart taskbar turned on. Is there a way to allow this fuction to operate, or is this not currently supported by ultramon?
Christian Studer   2010-08-28 08:31
UltraMon currently doesn't support task preview, support for this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
NKX   2010-09-07 13:46
I second this request. While not essential, it would be very handy if the same Windows behaviour we see on the primary screen can be replicated across all screens. This missing feature makes the application, and therefore the other taskbars) feel like they are not quite as integrated as they should be.

I use this feature all the time, and having it on my Ultramon bars would be grat.
Todd Horst   2010-09-08 02:01
Bamsebjorn   2010-09-08 02:21
When is a next release scheduled? I've bought UltraMon but I'm starting regret it...

I used to love running it on Windows XP but it's broken and not integrated into Windows 7.
Colin Dyckes   2010-09-19 05:37
Can I add my request for this feature ASAP as well please.

I'm trialling Ultramon on Windows7 64-bit and 3 monitors (soon 4), and it just doesn't feel right having the taskbar behaviour differ so radically between the primary and secondary monitors.

Everything else seems to work OK except for the lack of integration of 3D settings.

Adding these two features would bring the product right up to date.
Donovan   2010-11-10 07:06
I've been using UltraMon for several years now and have loved it. No other multi-monitor app has performed like Ultramon. With the release of Windows 7 I find myself for the first time feeling like UltraMon just hasn't delivered all that I have come to expect. Yes, it still performs flawlessly (Windows 7 Enterprise x64), but now the features don't keep up with Windows. The Aero features like Peek and the new task grouping are incredible. Currently none of the multi-monitor apps support these features. I am hoping that UltraMon steps up and becomes the first. If not I may have to move to a new app after being a loyal UltraMon customer for so many years.

Donovan R.
IT Specialist
PVD   2010-11-26 00:11
I agree completely!

UltraMon is great and still works on Windows 7, but the addition of "Aero Peek" and grouping of applications on the secondary monitor's taskbar would bring it back completely. Hope this could soon be integrated when a new version arrives...
WinTakeAll   2010-12-01 11:22
My vote too for bringing Ultramon's Taskbar on the extra monitor(s) up to date with Windows 7.

Here's a breakdown of the enhancements AFAIK:

1) Taskbar task grouping
2) Taskbar task combining
3) Taskbar task drag-to-reorder
4) Taskbar aero peek
5) Taskbar jump lists
6) Taskbar pinning

To me the updated taskbar is the killer feature of Win 7, and it sucks that my extra monitors' taskbars are still stuck in dated WinXP mode. Without this UltraMon's name "Smart Taskbar" is just wrong now - compared to the improved Win7 taskbar, UltraMon's is dumb.

It may be a bit of work to get all of the above, but some are probably easy and something would be better than nothing.

BTW, re 2) above, I find that Win7's default Taskbar Properties setting of "Always combine, hide labels" is annoying, but the setting "Combine when taskbar is full" does exactly what I want. Ideally UltraMon should have the same modes as Win7's main one.
BoingBoom   2010-12-01 21:27
+1 for this

WinTakeAll: Another one is show desktop (with peek when hovering) at the end of the win 7 taskbar. (MS have finally learned about Fitts's Law and started making use of the screen corners and edges which you can reach faster than anything else with your mouse.)
Harrald   2010-12-24 05:31
I requested these features not long ago to, but 1 big topic is better :)

I think that the show desktop button could be easy to implement, and would be a major improvement!
Lucas de Wal   2011-01-04 00:07
Dear Developers,

Same as above, I'm really missing the advanced features of the W7 Taskbar on other displays then the primairy monitor.

Other then that, Great application!

Kind regards,

Lucas de Wal
The Netherlands
MtnAppraiser   2011-01-04 04:14
I would like to add my voice to the Chorus that is asking for windows 7 support with regards to Aero Peek-thumbnail images. Additionally, as I am sure you are aware of, IE 9 which is in Beta now will also allow for taskbar pinning which I find very handy and Ultramon does not suport -

In short, As MS refuses to acknowledge the desire of many users for an extended taskbar, the more similar it is to the functionality of the primary Win 7 taskbar, the greater the utility of Ultramon will be.

I have tried several applications and by far, Ultramon is the most stable.


Rick W
Kenn   2011-01-05 17:19
I would also like to add my vote to the Taskbar task drag-to-reorder feature
crisp   2011-03-03 05:03
Please add this functionality to Ultramon. I have been a supporter of this product for a long time and I have recommended it to a lot of people. Like other, for the first time, I am a bit disappointed that the full Win 7 functionality is not there.
Chris Gibson   2011-03-07 10:18
We continue to expand our use of UltraMon as we roll out multiple monitors through our firm. To date, we've been loving it as we're mostly an XP shop, but as Windows 7 is now officially supported, we are starting to roll out Windows 7 machines with multiple monitors, and getting our users to understand that "this" task bar groups icons, gives previews and support jump lists, while "that" task bar doesn't, is definitely confusing our users and, well, just looks bad.

So, with 18 licenses under our belt, and the promise of more to come, I'd like to add a "+1" to this thread to fully support and integrate UltraMon's smart task bar into Windows 7. Thanks!
Chris   2011-03-10 01:13
+1 on the drag-to-reorder :)
Ian   2011-03-20 12:48

Also, can you please allow the middle mouse button to launch a new instance of a application? Right now I can launch a new browser by middle-clicking my firefox icon on my main monitor task bar, but middle clicking an icon on the secondary does nothing.
Konrad   2011-04-27 04:44
Updating the taskbar to all the Windows 7 behaviors (especially thumbnails) will mean the difference between me purchasing this, and the un-install I am about to perform. As my team moves to Windows 7 I can probably make a pretty good case for us all getting this as well.

Microsoft has a demo project out there for using features of the Win7 DWM including Aero glass and previews.. I've been thinking about using it for some of my own projects.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the next version!

Sajad   2011-06-03 09:45
+1 count me too   2011-06-15 13:37
Adding my vote for this to be added as well. | GeekDrop Facebook Fan Page
Moe   2011-06-19 09:50
I would also very much love to see this added. I am yet another long time user of ultramon and this is the first time I've really been disappointed with something about it.
Ryan R.   2011-07-28 02:53
I'm a current customer using 3.1.0 and I really do miss Win 7's smartER taskbar features on my UltraMon taskbar.
Chris   2011-08-16 01:29
Wow, didn't realise there would be this much support for this feature. I've been using Ultramon for about a year now and its been fantastic, but it doesn annoy me not having the same functionality across both monitors.

I'd hazard a guess that this is being worked on right now so fingers crossed we'll see it in a future release. The icons on my secondary monitor always look a mess compared to my primary monitor.

Chris B.
Jeremy   2012-08-06 08:16
I second these ideas.

Having jump lists on the secondary monitor would be great.

Being able to pin an application to a certain monitor's taskbar would also be great.

(paid user of Ultramon)
C. Schäfer   2012-08-08 04:33
I'd love to see this feature happening!
Steve   2012-10-02 12:08
Yes to all of this. It would make an already great app perfect.

gotamd   2012-10-03 01:21
I'm another longtime user and would really love to see this implemented. Windows 7 has been out for years now and Windows 8 is releasing this month, but UltraMon hasn't caught up.
Christian Studer   2012-10-03 08:56
I'm not sure yet if new features will get added to the Smart Taskbar, Windows 8 has a built-in multi-monitor taskbar so it's no longer needed there.

Christian Studer -
Steve   2012-10-16 09:57
I would still love to see this built into Ultramon as I doubt my workplace will be moving to Windows 8 any time soon.

Stefan   2012-10-18 19:10
I also second these ideas. Would be fantastic when the "Smart Taskbar" functions exactly the same as the main taskbar.

I will not use Windows 8 because migrating our workspaces will probably not happen anytime soon.
(And i am a paying customer too)

Thanks and regards, Stefan
CJ   2012-10-24 02:36
I am sorry, but planned for future release? Back in 2010? It is almost 2013, and still no progress? Sounds like you have our money and are retired and don't care about your business anymore. Just made some quick dollars and that was about that.

I will no longer be recommending this to anyone, and will take my business, along with many others with it.

I expect this kind of service from a FREE product, not a paid one.
Dan B.   2012-11-26 23:46
I have to agree, with Windows 8 supporting multi-monitor natively, that's even MORE incentive to fix your Windows 7 support since many of us will not be moving down to Windows 8 anytime soon. And 3 years should have been enough time to get this resolved.
Jeff   2016-10-27 06:41
I'm glad to find this thread as covers my question, but it is almost 2017 without this feature.
Christian Studer   2016-10-27 14:41
Currently there are no plans to add new features to the Windows 7 and earlier Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 thumbnails only working on primary monitor

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