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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar Not Sized Correctly
Dude   2010-09-24 00:07
I use a double height taskbar. The double height taskbar generated by Ultramon doesn't seem to be the correct height. If I have one application window tiled on my second monitor and I move it to my primary screen, I will see a gap at the bottom between the application window and task bar.
Christian Studer   2010-09-24 08:50
Please send me a screenshot showing the problem to Also let me know which version of UltraMon and Windows you're using.

Christian Studer -
Ted Lineker   2011-03-19 04:40
I had the same problem. This is how I fixed it. Right-click on the taskbar on the monitor with the incorrect size. Select "Locked" and choose "No". Then drag down the taskbar to the desired height. When that is done, repeat the above process again to "lock" the taskbar again.
Dude   2011-04-05 06:39
That did not fix the problem.
Steven Quick   2011-05-08 08:56

Just installed Ultramon 3.1.0 to try it out on Windows 7 and had a similar problem.

In Windows "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" I always have enabled "Use Small Icons", just prefer it.

However after fresh install of Ultramon the 2nd monitor taskbar was double height. Disabling locked by toggling between No and Same as Main Taskbar seemed to fix it.

It seems the default is full icon size height for the smart taskbar and when locked = yes (also default) the smart taskbar does not resize.
Christian Studer   2011-05-09 10:23
Not sure what might cause this, so far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue, with the main taskbar locked and using small icons, UltraMon still defaulted to a single row taskbar. I tested with 3.1.0 on 64-bit Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
McCluein   2014-01-07 07:09
Right clicking and unlocking the incorrectly sized toolbar worked for me.
tareods   2016-04-10 12:59
I was able to solve by temporarily unlocking it.

I always used 125% dpi on my display. I just switched to 100% and I had double height on my smart taskbar. You can reproduce it like this maybe
Javier Escamilla   2017-03-31 09:18
Issues gets resolved
so thx you so much for you quick solution ,

Javier Escamilla
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar Not Sized Correctly

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