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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Reposition windows when locking computer (windows-L)
B em   2010-09-29 03:08
I have a two display setup.

Often when I am working, I have a program that is mainly on one monitor and it spans a few inches into the other, often just a file tree.

I have to lock my computer whenever I leave my desk (company policy) but when I unlock it, Ultramon has moved the program fully to one side of the other and I have to resize or reposition it again.

Is there a way to disable that feature?

Christian Studer   2010-09-29 08:09
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using? I have tested with 3.0.10 on Windows 7, but so far haven't seen this issue.

Christian Studer -
Mike Lewis   2013-06-11 05:28
I am having a similiar issue with Windows 7. When I lock my computer and then sign back in, all programs have been moved to my main taskbar. I then have to move the programs back to my second monitor.
Christian Studer   2013-06-11 14:44
I just tested this again, but so far haven't been able to reproduce the issue. This was on Windows 7 with UltraMon 3.2.2.

Do you have the same issue if UltraMon isn't running? To test this close it via UltraMon menu > Close, then lock and unlock the computer.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Reposition windows when locking computer (windows-L)

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