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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon & Windows 7 Enterprise...
Steven Sinclair   2010-11-04 03:34
Windows 7 Enterprise x64
UltraMon 3.0.10

Just downloaded and installed the latest version, but the application will not run. Whenever I attempt to execute the application, I receive two error messages (I've inserted links to screenshots below) one after the other, then the application terminates.

Error Message # 1

Error Message # 2

Any suggestions? Please advise. Thank you.
Christian Studer   2010-11-04 11:04
Please run UIAccessTest.exe and let me know what results you get, could be the same 'referral returned from server' error or a message from UIAccessTest.

Christian Studer -
Steven Sinclair   2010-11-15 02:14
The message I get is the same as the message #1 above. Thank you.
Christian Studer   2010-11-15 10:19
Might be due to the User Account Control (UAC) settings on your system, you can review those via Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > Security Options. Here's a screenshot of the default UAC settings from Windows 7: UAC settings

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2010-11-18 09:00
I found more information on this issue, looks like this could also be related to a corrupted user profile, I found a post in a Microsoft forum where a user got the same error when starting the magnifier (Control Panel > Ease of Access Center), and repairing the user profile fixed the issue for him (see here).

The magnifier also requires UIAccess privileges, same as UltraMonUiAcc.exe. UltraMonUiAcc.exe is used to enable UltraMon to add window buttons etc to applications running with elevated permissions, for example the registry editor.

Christian Studer -
Paul   2013-12-20 12:04
On Windows 7 Pro x64 running Ultramon 3.2.2, we're having the same issue with Ultramon crashing. The digital certificates for Ultramon.exe and UltramonUiAcc.exe are both expired.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon & Windows 7 Enterprise...

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