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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Adobe Reader X
RandyB   2010-12-12 01:05
The UltraMon buttons do not appear on the new Adobe Reader X.
Christian Studer   2010-12-12 08:47
I'm not sure yet what causes this, but as a workaround go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure custom settings for Adobe Reader and check the 'use alternative method to add window buttons' option.

Christian Studer -
RandyB   2011-01-26 01:15
That works!
SteveHough   2011-03-22 03:53
Same issue with Adobe X

Ben   2011-05-26 06:15
Could you be more specific on the workaround for this? I do not see a compatability tab within ultramon options.
Ben   2011-05-26 06:22
OK, I am a bit of an idiot, I was on an older version. Thanks
Jame Knox   2013-06-21 13:00
FYI this works great!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Adobe Reader X

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