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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Maximize to desktop button not available with Remote Assistance
Rachel Bautista   2011-02-11 08:21
Our user base has recently gone to dual screens. When we Remote Assist them it "squishes" the two screens onto one of ours unless we "restore" the screen and manually drag it across both of our dual screens.

I was really hoping Ultramon would be our solution so I downloaded the 30 day trial. To my dismay the only screen that does NOT have the Maximize Across Desktop button is the Remote Assistance window that shows the users desktop.

Anyone else have a solution or know if a fix for this is in the works?

Rachel Bautista
Christian Studer   2011-02-11 08:29
If the application has no title bar or a custom title bar UltraMon won't add buttons, but you could try if the Maximize to Desktop hotkey works with the application, you can configure hotkeys via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
MeInGatineau   2014-01-27 12:58
Any updated on this issue?
Christian Studer   2014-01-27 13:16
Is this with Windows Remote Assistance? I have tested on Windows 8.1, and the UltraMon buttons get added to the remote assistance window and work fine.

Christian Studer -
MeInGatineau   2014-02-03 06:08
I'm glad that it works with Windows 8.1; however, it does not seem to work with Windows 7.
MeInGatineau   2014-02-03 06:20
Well I figured it out. We use a normal account to login and when running Windows remote (MSRA)assitance with the run as administrator. In order for Ultramon to integrate to MSRA, I need to close the instance that is running as a user and run it as administrator instead.
Christian Studer   2014-02-03 14:40
Unfortunately there is no other workaround for this when using two different user accounts.

What would work fine is using the same account for both regular and elevated applications, in that case UltraMon would be able to add the buttons to the elevated application even if UltraMon is only running with regular privileges.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Maximize to desktop button not available with Remote Assistance

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