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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request - SLI / Crossfire
ltwally   2011-06-21 14:36
SLI / Crossfire management in the display profile.

This would be _extremely_ useful for gaming -- when you want to enable SLI for the duration of the game and afterwards revert back to non-SLI with your old monitor profile, and have it all happen automagically.

As things currently are, I have to 1) open the nvidia control panel, and enable SLI mode, 2) launch the game, 3) go back into the nvidia control panel and disable SLI afterwards, then 4) click on the Ultramon icon and select my profile.

This is about 4 steps too many! If Ultramon could enable/disable SLI in the profile settings, then that profile could be bound to the game's shortcut, and my life would be complete.

Christian Studer   2011-06-22 09:51
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into this for a future release, not sure though if this can be done as this is video card-specific.

Christian Studer -
ltwally   2011-06-22 23:02
This looks like a promising place to start:

"GPU Topology
Ability to enable SLI and Hybrid GPU topologies.*"
Christian Studer   2011-06-23 09:55
Thanks for the link.

Christian Studer -
Stefan   2013-09-26 04:46
I would love this feature as well!
Ouzo   2013-10-01 08:00
SLI disable / enable on profile choosing is a MUST feature on my list :)

I have 3 monitors, PLP setup. On SLI this cannot be used, so I have 2 profiles:

PLP - All 3 monitors working, SLI disabled
Gaming - only my 30" is on, and SLI should be turned on
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request - SLI / Crossfire

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