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ben 2012-01-16 07:33
Ive been trying to configure Ultramon to launch an application (Kega Fusion Sega emulator)in full screen on my second monitor.
for some reason, Fusion will load onto the second monitor in windowed mode, but not full screen. whevever full screen is selected, the application defaults back to the primary monitor which is annoying as the largest window is 9xx by something so its not filling the screen. (guess that was just the way it was written or something...?)
after a bit of searching the web, Ive found Ultramon :-)
to try and get it working Ive created a shortcut to the emululator, added the commandline instructions (specific only to the emulator) -fullscreen -gen -auto to the 'target' field within properties and it launches fine (albeit onto monitor 1)
Ive been trying to use ultramon to switch the primary display when the emulator is launched by editing the properties for the shortcut
ultramon - window
'use custom settings' is checked
'on monitor' set to primary
Ultramon - display
'use custom settings' is checked
monitor 2 set to primary with the correct resolution (1024x768) (which is the same as monitor 1)
when trying to launch the application, the screens switch as I want them to, but that's all that happens, the application doesn't run.
anyone got any idea where im going wrong?
im using the trial version at the moment on windows vista home premium (64 bit)
any pointers would be greatly received
Christian Studer 2012-01-16 09:27
Please try creating a new shortcut for the application via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts, and only configure custom display settings, no window settings. Let me know if that still doesn't work.
Christian Studer -
Ben 2012-01-16 18:10
Hi Christian,
Thanks for getting back to me.
I have just tried your suggestion, left the window settings alone and only changed the display settings
I set monitor 2 to 'primary'
and checked the box to return setting to normal when application exits
I set the refresh rate to default
all other settings were left unchanged and I still have the same issue, the monitors switch (monitor 2 becomes primary as the desktop moves) but the application fails to run.
(just for reference, I also tried editing only the window settings, set it to display 'centred', 'maximised' on 'monitor 2', and it still gives the same issue.)
also, the displays dont switch back after it has failed to run, I would have thought that 'return setting to normal after application exits' would do this? or is that because the application isnt running and terminating properly?
Is there anything else you can think of that I could try?
Just a though, but is there a way to possibly delay the start of the application thats launched form the shortcut for a second or 2 after the monitors have been switched?
I have also tried making a hot key that moves the active application to the other monitor.
if I launch Kega fusion in fullscreen mode on monitor 1 (as primary) then use the hot key to send it to the other monitor, it moves across, but only in windowed mode, selecting full screen from the menu within Fusion makes it revert back to monitor 1 (primary)
If the monitors were of a different resolution, i could maybe understand, but they're not, they're both 1024x768 so it should't be a problem
thanks for your help so far!
Christian Studer 2012-01-17 07:39
I have now tested with Kega Fusion 3.64 on 64-bit Windows 7, works fine for me, UltraMon first changes the primary monitor, Kega Fusion then launches on that monitor in fullscreen mode.
Do you have Kega Fusion configured to run as administrator? That would prevent UltraMon from launching the application. To configure this option, right-click Fusion.exe and select Properties from the menu, then select the Compatibility tab. Let me know if you do need to run the application as administrator, there is a workaround for this.
UltraMon by default waits 5 seconds between changing display settings and launching the application, you can change this delay via UltraMon Options > Profiles and Shortcuts.
Christian Studer -
Ben 2012-01-21 06:03
Hi Christian
It looks like Fusion was set to run as administrator, even though all the boxes that could be un-ticked were un-ticked!
deleting Fusion, then re downloading seems to have fixed the problem. running the shortcut now switches the primary display to monitor 2 and switches back after quitting fusion
this was only half the problem though, I was trying to launch Fusion from within XBMC using rom collection browser.
after setting the (working) shortcuts as the emulator command in rom collection browser, it seemed that the emulator wasnt able to pass the rom files to the emulator when it was launched from a shortcut and I would just be faced with a blacnk emulator screen - very frustrating!
after much head scratching, swearing and throwing things, I used ultramon to create 2 display profiles, one 'normal' where monitor 1 was the primary display and one 'reversed' where monitor 2 was the primary.
I wrote a batch file that triggered the 'reversed' display profile, launches Fusion with all the correct command line switches (and, more importantly, a place holder for the ROM command sent by Rom Collection Browser) and then after exiting Fusion, triggers the 'normal' display profile again.
I then set the path to this batch file as the EMU command in rom collection browser and it all works :-)
I hope that if anyone else is having similar difficulties, then this post may be of some help
thankyou for your help trying to sort it
crazyryan 2013-02-23 04:41
can you post details on your batch script?
im trying to do the same thing right now but i am very amateur when it comes to scripting.
spawn 2013-10-03 09:39
Can anyone explain why these emulators do this? Its actually a good handful of them. I'm thinking it a dx version issue? Other emulators will FS to either.
Christian Studer 2013-10-03 13:05
I'm not that familiar with DirectX, but as far as I know the application specifically needs to request that rendering be done on a secondary monitor, otherwise it defaults to the primary monitor.
Christian Studer -
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