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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon screen saver not working
Joe   2012-04-28 03:54
I am running version 3.1 on Win 7. I have 3 montiors running off of one high end graphics card. 2 are DVI and the other is via the display port connection.

I've configured UM screen saver to start after 10 minutes. I have screen saver configured to shuffle through pictures coming from the public directory. Each monitor is configured to show a different picture.

I have preview mode checked on the configuration screen.

When in the configure screen the preview shows all 3 monitors running and shuffling through different pictures.

Here are the issues I am experiencing...

1. If I hit the preview button the screen saver kicks in and all the displays begin to show different pictures. At some point 2 screens shuffle to the same picture. From that point on these 2 displays always display the same picture. Is this supposed to happen?

2. If I let the screen saver timer start the screen saver sometimes it doesn't start. I can see the screen flicker but no screen saver image is posted and displayed. The monitors display the wallpaper until the powersaver option kicks in.

3. If I let the screen saver timer start the screen saver will display the same picture on all 3 monitors and never change. I can see each of the monitors flicker like it is trying to change the picture but it doesn't work. It stays with the same picture on all 3 monitors until power saver kicks in and turns off the monitors.


Joe O
Christian Studer   2012-04-28 08:34
Are you using the Photos screen saver included with Windows 7? Unfortunately this won't work properly with UltraMon, I would recommend using a different slideshow screen saver instead, for example gPhotoShow has good multi-monitor support.

Christian Studer -
Joe   2012-04-28 09:07
I am using windows 7 screen saver. I select the ultramon option in the windows sreccn saver drop down list.

This doens't work?

Used to work on my WinXP system.

Joe O
Christian Studer   2012-04-28 09:29
But you then assign the Photos screen saver to each monitor via UltraMon, is that correct?

This won't work with the Windows 7/Vista version of the Photos screen saver, but used to work fine with My Pictures on Windows XP.

Christian Studer -
Joe   2012-04-29 04:49
Thanks for the info. Really thought this would work.

Any idea if this will be in a future version?

Joe O
Christian Studer   2012-04-29 07:35
Currently I don't see a fix for this.

Christian Studer -
Philo   2014-08-29 11:36
So did Ultra-Mon just throw in the towel with this and never fixed it? The screen saver option just doesn't work and Windows 7 isn't smart enough to understand that I have multiple monitors.

Christian Studer   2014-08-29 12:31
The Photos screen saver won't work, but other screen savers included with Windows 7 work fine, for example Mystify or Ribbons.

For a slideshow screen saver I would recommend taking a look at gPhotoShow, it has good multi-monitor support and will also work fine with UltraMon if you want to run it on a single monitor only (with other screen savers on the other monitors).

Christian Studer -
greengolfballs   2014-09-09 19:58
I've had the same problem and have tried a few options. Best solution I've found is to download Picasa 3 and use the Google Photos Screensaver instead of the default windows one. It's free and easy to use, works a treat.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon screen saver not working

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