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Lionel Modra 2012-07-23 15:22
FYI, Christian. While the UltraMon buttons appear, and perform the applicable action, they partially (or completely, depending on which Office 2013 program is in use) overlay the application help and minimize buttons. Of the apps I have checked Word, Excel, OneNote and Outlook partially overlay the native buttons, but the native buttons can still be used. Publisher, Access, PowerPoint - the native Help button is covered and cannot be selected. I see that custom spacing is still available, so that could be used as a workaround. I am running Office 2013 in Windows 8 RP, but not in Windows 7, so I can't comment if this is general for Office 2013, or specific to Office 2013 on W8 RP.
Christian Studer 2012-07-24 09:21
I'll look into it, thanks for the heads-up.
Christian Studer -
Elie 2012-07-24 21:49
Same problem in Windows 7. Please fix. Thanks!
Christian Studer 2012-07-29 00:50
I have now looked into this, happens because the position of the buttons isn't reported correctly. I have submitted a bug report to Microsoft.
Christian Studer -
Becky 2013-04-03 03:36
This is still an issue. I realize a bug report has been sent to Microsoft, but has Ultramon considered change the location of the "move to other screen" button?
This issue is very frustrating to the users in my office to the point where we would almost rather not use ultramon and just drag our apps to the other screen manually.
please fix
Christian Studer 2013-04-03 06:20
Moving the buttons to the left is supported, but only for all applications. Look for the custom button spacing option under UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands.
Christian Studer -
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