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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> App Mirroring does not work with Office 2013 Programs
kouzinger   2012-11-04 00:26
When I choose to mirror any of the Office 2013 (Preview) Components (tested with Word, OneNote and Outlook) the Result will be a mostly blank window, that contains only a small fraction of that window's subclasses - sometimes in an incomprehensible arrangement...

Is there any Chance to get a fix for this soon. Do you possibly know a workaround for this (other than cloning a fraction of the entire screen).

Thanks in advance for a quick relpy!

Christian Studer   2012-11-04 07:36
I'll look into it, not sure though if there's a fix/workaround. I'm seeing the same issue with the final release of Office 2013 on Windows 8.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2012-11-04 22:49
Just looked into this, will be fixed in 3.2.2.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2012-11-04 23:00
Forgot to mention that there is a workaround: the problem only occurs if desktop composition is enabled, to disable it you could either switch to the Basic or Classic theme via Control Panel > Personalization, or right-click the shortcut for the affected application, select Properties from the menu, then select the Compatibility tab and check 'disable desktop composition'.

Christian Studer -
kouzinger   2012-11-25 22:50
Hi Christian,

thank you very much so far for your quick reply and the workaround. Still I'll be happy to see a real fix in 3.2.2 (Around when will this be released?).
As I prefer using compositing I'll stick with Office 2010 until the fix is released.

Christian Studer   2012-11-26 07:24
You're welcome, 3.2.2 should be ready before the end of the year.

Christian Studer -
David   2013-10-16 12:50
For some reason no taskbars any longer on multiple screens. Am I missing a setting? It is checked in settings.

Christian Studer   2013-10-16 14:37
If 'use Smart Taskbar' is checked under UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar, please try what happens if you restart UltraMon, you can close it via UltraMon menu > Close, then start it again via the shortcut under Start Menu > Programs.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> App Mirroring does not work with Office 2013 Programs

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