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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Quickbooks 2013
Ray   2012-11-06 06:07
I just installed Quickbooks 2013. The Ultramon positioning button is missing from the header bar in this version. I assume that Intuit is using some substitute for the general header bar code. Is this something that you will be able to program around or is it just a "live with it" feature?

Christian Studer   2012-11-06 08:51
As far as I know the application uses a custom window title bar, in that case UltraMon usually can't add the window buttons. What should still work fine are the Move Window/Maximize to Desktop hotkeys, you can configure those via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Support for adding the window buttons to applications with non-standard title bars will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Gary   2012-12-11 10:48
I have the same issue with QuickBooks 2013. From my review of the QuickBooks forum it is a QuickBooks issue on Windows 8 computers with two monitors of different resolutions. I think that the fix needs to come from QuickBooks . . . but Intuit is not known for moving fast.
Seth   2013-03-04 07:42
Same issue here. Also terrible overlay with Office 2013 (I know the Office issue has been mentioned in another thread). I understand the menu bar may be different in these programs, yet it appears many software packages are going this route so I hope the developer finds a fix in UltraMon while not relying on the other companies to do something. I only say this since DisplayFusion and similar contenders load their buttons fine in both mentioned 2013 programs. Regardless, UltraMon is the best program BY FAR so I'd hate to see it wither away due to lack of remaining compatible.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Quickbooks 2013

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