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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> my new video board can rotate, but UM greys it out
Eric   2012-12-26 15:31
I just installed a new video card, an ASUS geforce 210.

Ultra-mon 3.2.1 will not let me change the rotation, although the NVIDIA settings allow for rotations.

Is this a problem in ultra-mon?

Here's a set of properties that I retrieved with a script, notice that UM does see that the orientation is set to 1, which is 90 deg rotation. But it won't let me change it via script or through the UM GUI.

monitor 2
2) DeviceName = \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor3
2) Name = LG M237WD(Analog)
2) AdapterName = NVIDIA GeForce 210
2) AdapterDeviceName = \\.\DISPLAY3
2) Colordepth = 32
2) Enabled = 1
2) Left = -1080
2) Top = 0
2) Width = 1080
2) Height = 1920
2) RefreshRate = 60
2) HMonitor = 984117
2) WindowsID = 3
2) WorkLeft = -1080
2) WorkTop = 0
2) WorkWidth = 1080
2) WorkHeight = 1920
2) CanChangeOrientation = 0
Christian Studer   2012-12-27 02:40
Which version of Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Eric   2012-12-27 03:39
win xp sp3 32 bit
Christian Studer   2012-12-27 06:57
You'll get this if the video card driver doesn't support the standard API to change the screen orientation, which can be the case on Windows XP.

I guess you already have the latest drivers for the video card, otherwise that would have been worth a try. Unfortunately there is no other fix for this as UltraMon can't use the driver-specific method to change the screen orientation.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> my new video board can rotate, but UM greys it out

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