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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Pressing Window+D hides UltraMon smart taskbar
Nathan Reed   2013-01-01 09:17
Pressing the shortcut key Windows+D, which minimizes all windows, now hides the Ultramon smart taskbar. It will be restored if Windows+D is pressed a second time.

I believe this issue was introduced in UltraMon 3.2.2. I use this key combination fairly often and haven't noticed this problem before.

I'm seeing this in Vista SP2 64-bit. Haven't tried in any other Windows versions.
Christian Studer   2013-01-01 09:58
I've been able to reproduce the issue on 64-bit Vista, thanks for the bug report.

I'll look into this for the next release, as a workaround you could use UltraMon's Show Desktop hotkey instead, which won't cause the problem. You can configure this under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
Vince   2013-03-04 12:22
I'm getting this same issue on Windows 7 32-bit. Just noticed it today. I can provide additional information if you'll let me know what you'd like.
Christian Studer   2013-03-05 07:00
Thanks but that's not necessary, I've been able to reproduce the issue on my end.

Christian Studer -
Vince   2013-04-10 07:39
If you set the y-position of the secondary monitor to 0 (so the top edges are "aligned") or any positive number, the issue goes away. If you set the y-position to anything less than 0, the issue returns.

My monitors (a laptop and an external monitor) are physically aligned along the bottom edge. Is there a way with the settings to get around this issue?
Christian Studer   2013-04-10 08:58
I'm not aware of an additional workaround, except using UltraMon's Show Desktop hotkey instead.

Christian Studer -
Vince   2013-04-16 12:07
Any way to set the Ultramon shortcut to Win+D?
Christian Studer   2013-04-17 08:16
That won't work as the key combination is already used by Windows.

Christian Studer -
David   2013-04-17 15:36
You might be able to get Win+D redefined using AutoHotKey.

I'm using AutoHotKey to redefine Win+F redefined to bring up Everything.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Pressing Window+D hides UltraMon smart taskbar

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