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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8 double taskbar
Wim   2013-01-20 00:01

I have windows 8 with 3 monitors.
If I install UltraMon I get on monitor 2 and 3 a double taskbar. How to turn this off?

Wim Schuiteman
Christian Studer   2013-01-20 07:32
Make sure to install version 3.2.2, earlier releases won't work properly on Windows 8.

You'll get this if the Smart Taskbar is enabled (UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar), because Windows 8 has a built-in multi-monitor taskbar it's not needed and 3.2.2 defaults to having the Smart Taskbar disabled on Windows 8.

Christian Studer -
Wouter vs   2013-07-02 10:38
"You'll get this if the Smart Taskbar is enabled (UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar), because Windows 8 has a built-in multi-monitor taskbar it's not needed and 3.2.2 defaults to having the Smart Taskbar disabled on Windows 8.

The default Windows implementation is no good compared to the old UltraMon behavior in Windows 7 (Which I liked very much)

I have now turned off the smart taskbar but that feature was the main reason I bought UltraMon, so I'd like to see it back :)

Can this not become an option? ie a "do you want to see the primary screen taskbar AND the second taskbar on all but the primary monitor?"

(I have version 3.2.2)
Christian Studer   2013-07-02 14:21
The Windows 8 taskbar has the same functionality, but defaults to showing all tasks on all taskbars. To change this, right-click the taskbar, select Properties from the menu, then set 'Show taskbar buttons on' to 'Taskbar where window is open'.

If you still prefer to use UltraMon's Smart Taskbar instead, uncheck the option 'Show taskbar on all displays', then go to UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar and check 'use Smart Taskbar'.

Christian Studer -
Wouter vs   2013-07-02 15:38

Thanks for the heads up, this is just great!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8 double taskbar

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