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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Multiple Monitor Profiles (1 on 1 off) issues
NewYears1978   2013-02-05 09:48
So I have used Ultramon for years..simply setting two profiles, one for one monitor another for another then I use shortcuts for applying a profile.

It works great..turns one monitor off the other on...however my friend just got another monitor to try the same setup and it won't work.

He set display to Show only 1 monitor - setup 2 profiles clicking each monitor on the setup. Set two shortcuts to apply each profile.

When hitting them it just flickers then doesn't switch..did I miss a step? He has a GTX 580 using DVI out on both.
NewYears1978   2013-02-05 10:11
Hrm I think the issue is he is using one graphics card, I use two.

I have a VBS script I wrote that will disable primary monitor and switch the other one and enable it primary. But it doesn't hold resolutions..

Any ideas?

Can I make 2 display profiles that have the proper resolutions in them and then some how in my flipping script have it load the profiles?
Christian Studer   2013-02-06 08:06
Is he using Windows 7 or later? That would explain why the display settings aren't correct after the switch, you could use the ToggleSingleMon2 script as a workaround, this supports setting specific display settings. Let me know if you have any questions about configuring the script.

Christian Studer -
Newyears1978   2013-02-06 11:48
Yes windows 7.

I figured out to make two profiles and then use Toggle Single monitor script that I had..combined the works on my computer but I have determined for some reason his Ultramon won't let him save a profile for his second monitor.

When he sets it up and goes back in it has reverted all back to the first monitor.

Can't figure out why.
Newyears1978   2013-02-06 11:51
Attempted to try the ToggleSingleMon2 but I am not sure what identifiers I have to put in there for name or serial number?
Newyears1978   2013-02-06 11:54
Ah I think I understand now...working on it will let you know if it works (sorry for 3 edit button)
Newyears1978   2013-02-06 12:07
Okay, the script worked, the only issue is when switching monitors with windows open, the windows overlap the taskbar when switching to smaller res monitor.

I told him it's probably not fixable to just use Win+M to minimize them...but that I would ask
Newyears1978   2013-02-06 12:08
I am so sorry...

He said that when he minimizes them and remax them they always go over the taskbar so minimizing won't work...any ideas?
Christian Studer   2013-02-07 07:55
Sounds like the taskbar is no longer set to be always on top, not sure though why this would happen after changing display settings. Does logging off and logging in again fix the problem?

Christian Studer -
Newyears1978   2013-02-07 14:31
He said yes.

He said if he goes and sets his taskbar to autohide, apply, then turn autohide back off, it fixes it.
Christian Studer   2013-02-08 08:43
I'll give it a try myself when I'm back at the office and will get back to you later.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2013-02-09 09:03
I have now tested on Windows 7 with the ToggleSingleMon2 script, but so far haven't seen the issue.

Does he usually have Explorer windows open? If no, a workaround might be to close and restart explorer.exe (which handles the main taskbar) from the script.

Christian Studer -
NewYears1978   2013-02-11 01:57
Great idea, how does one do that :)
Christian Studer   2013-02-11 06:23
You can do this with the following code:

Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") sh.Run """%WINDIR%\System32\Taskkill.exe"" /f /im explorer.exe",, True sh.Run "%WINDIR%\explorer.exe"

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Multiple Monitor Profiles (1 on 1 off) issues

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