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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> [Third-party tool] UltraMon Wallpaper Autochanger
Mistic   2013-02-27 02:46
Hello folks,

I like to have different wallpapers on each monitor and having them changing regularly. And I also wanted to have 3 or 4 differents sets and easily switch between them (basically : landscapes when I've guests and chicks when I'm alone :-) )

Previously I used a VBS script found on this forum and a batch file which move files between two folders.

But I learned how to design nice softwares with C++/Qt so I created my own.
With the help of a friend and this topic I created a little tool nicely called "UMWP Autochanger".

The first test version (1.0 alpha1) is available for download on my website :
please read the the readme file before using it.

Important note :
I only have my developpement environnement to do tests, which mean the tool was only tested on Windows 7 x64 with UltraMon 3.2.1 (should work with 3.2.2 too).
I don't know if it works on XP/Vista/Windows 8 and if not I'll not fix it unless for Windows 8 (if I take time to create a dual-boot).

Don't hesitate to report any bugs or remarks, here or on the contact page of my website :

Have a nice day.
Christian Studer   2013-02-27 08:01
Nice app, seems to work fine on Windows 8 (with UltraMon 3.2.2).

Christian Studer -
Mistic   2013-02-28 05:35
Already a new version !

Changelog :
- fixed: autorun shortcut not starting in the good working directory
- fixed: delay spinbox no initialized correctly
- new: multiple selection

Download it here :
Mistic   2013-03-02 02:20
For any new release, please check

Christian, if you want to add it on the Add-ons page of the site, don't hasitate :-)
Christian Studer   2013-03-03 06:37
I'll do that, should be online sometime next week.

Christian Studer -
Mistic   2013-05-19 10:27

just a little message to annonce a new version

Changelog 1.0->1.1
- fixed: use better shuffle
- fixed: remember last used directory
- fixed: accept files with .jpeg extension
- new: add version checker
- new: add quick switch menu in tray con
- code optimizations

Still downloadable here
Mistic   2013-12-03 03:50
I released 1.3 today

The big news is the support of "one image for the whole desktop" mode : after adding a new set, double-click on it to change the type of wallpaper.

Yes ! you can mix "monitor" and "desktop" sets :-)

Also a note about 1.2 released in September : I added system wide hotkeys to change the current set without oppening the application window, and ability to reorder sets by drag&drop.

Downloads and Screenshots :

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> [Third-party tool] UltraMon Wallpaper Autochanger

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