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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Win 8 & UtraMon
JimFlippin   2013-04-07 04:16
I have loaded UM 3.2.2 running on Windows 8 64 bit and UM will not load. I can use the taskbar icon and right clicking the icon. Iam afraid that I'm missing capabilties in UM since I can't run the executable.

Any thought would greatly appreciated.
Christian Studer   2013-04-07 08:01
UltraMon gets started automatically at system startup, if you run UltraMon.exe again it will see that it is already running and will just quit.

You can configure all settings via right-click on the UltraMon icon in the system tray, this will bring up the main UltraMon menu, you should have the following options there:

Display Settings
Display Profiles
Screen Saver
Desktop Icons
Disable Secondary
Set Primary
Smart Taskbar
Window Management
Windows Display Properties

Christian Studer -
Jim Flippin   2013-04-07 08:54
Thanks much!
Bythe way,I really did not extect an answer on Sunday. Shame on you to have anything resembling work on a Sunday! however I'm grateful. Much appreciated!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Win 8 & UtraMon

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