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T.Ahlers 2013-04-09 19:43
A customer of ours is using Ultramon 3.1.0 on a Windows 7 machine using 2 monitors.
When starting his computer he gets the following error:
"UltraMon encountered a fatal error and will exit
More information:
version: 3.1.0 OS: 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 x32 Srv Source file: .\DeskTaskManager.cpp Line: 167 Return value: -2147221164 Last error: 3765269347
Christian Studer 2013-04-10 04:19
You'll get this if an UltraMon COM component isn't registered properly, to fix this try repairing the UltraMon installation, you can do this via Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, select UltraMon from the list, then click on the support link and select Repair.
Christian Studer -
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