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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Performance and certain issues with mirror.
Ivan   2013-04-10 09:05

When i start ultramon mirroring the pc lags greatly, despite using config. of fast timming 30 and other things, also reduced to 16-bit depth and still happens.

Laptop ECS, AMD 1.8ghz, ati express 1100.
To output S-Video to a Projection TV.

Want to output the view of some CCTV, but everything
gets mirrored except the square of the camera sight, it gets with full black color so the camera cant be seen. Runs on IE by ActiveX config.

Will appreciate any help.
Christian Studer   2013-04-10 23:23
Most likely the processor is maxed out, you can see this via Task Manager (look at CPU utilization). If you don't need updates in real time on the mirror screen you could reduce the screen update rate for mirroring, this should reduce CPU usage.

If the video window stays black this means the application uses video overlays, which can't be mirrored by UltraMon. You could try disabling video overlays via settings for mirroring (the option is near the bottom).

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Performance and certain issues with mirror.

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