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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 7+ Taskbar Tweaker
thfs   2013-05-10 11:46
Would it be possible to make UltraMon compatible with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker ( as Taskbar Shuffle is?

The mouse 'Middle click' option to 'close' does not work with the UltraMon's Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer   2013-05-10 12:46
This would need to be done in 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, basically the application would need to look for the UltraMon taskbars as well and also install its hook there.

Christian Studer -
thfs   2013-05-16 08:29
As per RaMMicHaeL suggestion from 7+ Taskbar Tweaker forum could UltraMon add an option to close items with a middle click instead?

Christian Studer   2013-05-16 12:33
I'll consider it but can't make any promises as I'm not sure yet if new features will get added to the Smart Taskbar (due to Windows 8's built-in multi-monitor taskbar).

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 7+ Taskbar Tweaker

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