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Dennis 2013-06-05 02:58
i'm getting this error every time i want to run ultramon?
----------------------------------------------- UltaMon encountered a fatal error an will exit.
More infotmation:
version: 3.2.2 OS: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 X64 Source file: MultimonGUI.cpp Line: 237 Return value: -2147024662 Last error: 14007 ----------------------------------------------- someone knows a solution? it would really help me!thanks!!
Dennis Mark
Christian Studer 2013-06-05 12:39
You'll get this if UltraMon fails to load an UltraMon component (main UltraMon COM object), not sure though why as I've never seen this error code before.
The first thing you could try is to repair your UltraMon installation, to do this go to Control Panel > Programs and Features, select UltraMon from the list, then click on Repair.
Christian Studer -
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