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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Partial Cloning of Direct3D
Chris   2013-06-19 01:17
I have a requirement to mirror/clone part of a direct3d application to a second monitor. I've been playing with UltraMon and MirrorMon to achieve this. So far I've managed to clone the entire screen, with some success regarding different resolutions.

Using the "area of the desktop" seems to only clone the background desktop once the application is running (makes sense).

Is it possible to clone an area of the display in general, or even an area from a specific window?

Or do I just need to keep experimenting, hoping to stumble across the answer?

Ideal: Clone portion of Direct3d Application (Monitor 1) to a second monitor.

Option 1: Mirror the entire screen, and set zoom to only focus on the part I need?

Option 2: Mirror part of a Window?

Hope someone can advise!
Christian Studer   2013-06-19 12:28
Cloning only part of the desktop should work fine, could it be that the application changes the display resolution so the specified area is no longer valid?

Christian Studer -
Chris   2013-06-19 14:00
That does sound quite likely. I'm heading into the program in 1920x1080. It runs at the same resolution, but the front end forces a temporary switch to 800x600...

I'm about to do some more testing, I'll try it at 800x600 prior to entry...
Chris   2013-06-19 15:27
That was it, exactly.
Moving the primary monitor to the right helped (as alluded to elsewhere on here... serves me right for not reading).

As it happens, the second monitor goes black (not blank) at the front end, and when loading the main screen due to the draw area containing nothing... it now reflects the portion needed exactly. It flickers noticeably, but I will be upgrading the system shortly, and will experiment with resolutions and a smaller monitor.

All in all, you hit the nail on the head. Many thanks for the quick response!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Partial Cloning of Direct3D

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