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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon - Window feature with Chrome browser
Max   2013-07-08 05:56
Hi please point me what do i do wrong?
But the UltraMon - Window feature doesn't work for me with Chrome browser. It's just fine with Opera and Firefox...

I'm on Windows 8

1. [url=][img][/img][/url]

2. [url=][img][/img][/url]

3. [url=][img][/img][/url]


why is it open these tabs and offer me to save that exe file?
Christian Studer   2013-07-08 13:42
I'm seeing that as well when modifying an existing Chrome shortcut, not sure though what exactly causes this.

To fix this, create a new shortcut for Chrome via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts, this will work fine.

Christian Studer -
Max   2013-07-08 19:18
It works wonderful! Thank you!!
Max   2013-07-09 18:56
Hm, now is strange...

If I have one instance of chrome opened on secondary screen it doesn't open new window of chrome on primary even if the option ''open on primary'' or ''open on screen with mouse'' ticked...
Christian Studer   2013-07-10 14:06
Happens due to how Chrome implements multiple instances, you'll have the same issue with other browsers as well.

If you always want Chrome to open on the monitor with the mouse, you could use the PositionApp script, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Mike Vanderkley   2013-11-10 16:04
I just discovered this issue. Using the workaround. Just adding my vote for this to be fixed. Just hoping I don't have to do this for too many more apps.

I am going to start using this more often as it is getting old opening a program and then looking for it across 4 monitors to figure out where it opened. Also to have the program launch with manageable window sizes and not overlapping other monitors.
Christian Studer   2013-11-11 14:06
If you want to open all apps on the monitor with the mouse, you could use the PositionAllApps script instead. There's also a script for positioning multiple applications, PositionMultipleApps.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon - Window feature with Chrome browser

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