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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> two different resolution monitors
G8Hard   2013-07-11 10:59
Q1:Can I use this at my two monitors with different resolutions? One is LG 1680X1050, the other one is HP 1920X1080.
Q2:Does it support both 32 & 64bit Windows systems?
Christian Studer   2013-07-11 14:29
1) this will work fine

2) yes, UltraMon is available in both 32- and 64-bit versions

Christian Studer -
A Monell   2013-08-09 12:37
To go a little deeper with this question:
can I have 2 cloned or mirrored monitors running at 2 different resolutions. I have a new QNIX 1440p monitor and a 47" hdtv in different viewing spots and win+P works but only if you are at the active monitor to see what you are choosing. (I have a duplicate mouse and keyboard there)

Christian Studer   2013-08-09 13:48
UltraMon's mirroring feature supports this, but performance won't be as good as with the video card's clone mode, I would recommend testing this with the trial version to see if performance is sufficient.

Christian Studer -
A Monell   2013-08-09 15:35
Thank you Christian for the quick and candid reply.
I had seen a screen shot of the mirror page or one of them and saw a reference to max setting of screen refresh at 5 times per second. This had already led me to believe there would be a performance hit. As I use the 2'nd monitor for HD movie screening and RC flight sim training a performance hit is likely to make the mirror function unusable.
I don't mind switching monitors completely and am wondering if a hotkey could be set up to toggle between them. Much like using win+p but without having to see the screen to select between more than one option. (so as to be able to switch when seated at the inactive monitor)
Most multi-monitor apps seem to be geared toward using 2 simultaneously and not so much for people using their 2nd monitor as a separate device.
I would love to be able to also switch my audio output to HDMI to the TV when the monitors were switched. Does the profile setup in UltraMon allow something like this, and could it be set up as a hotkey? even a separate hotkey for each monitor rather than toggling would work.
thanks, Alex

Christian Studer   2013-08-10 15:47
The default is 5 updates per second, you can use higher frame rates but this may decrease overall system performance.

If you only use one monitor at a time, take a look at the ToggleSingleMon script, that should do what you want. Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

UltraMon can't switch the audio output, I also don't know if there's a utility which does this.

Christian Studer -
A Monell   2013-08-13 17:03
Christian thanks for the tip on the script. That was enough to prompt me to try the demo.
I got the script to work OK but haven't figured out how to set it up so the resolution switches back to 1440p when I return to the monitor from the TV.
Also can the icon size be switched when one jumps from 1440p to 1080 so they don't get rearranged.
I tried the setting in UltraMon but the icons get rearranged as they don't fit on the lower resolution HDTV and need to be set smaller. however as long as the resolution and icon layout get restored when I switch back from the TV to my monitor I can live with a different layout on the TV.
Thanks, Alex

Christian Studer   2013-08-14 14:55
Please post the system information from UltraMon menu > About, I can then send you a modified version of the ToggleSingleMon2 script which sets the correct settings, and restores icon positions when switching back to 1440p. You can't change the icon size via UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
A Monell   2013-08-15 12:42
Thanks Christian. I edited a copy of the #2 script you mentioned and got it to work. (I've never used or edited a script so I thought it would be fun to try, thanks for the offer to do that for me though.)
I will give things a try for a bit, however if I don't come up with another use for UltraMon I'm not sure this one function will justify purchasing a license, or committing the resources on the PC. I will see how useful I find it and certainly knowing how willing you are to go out of your way to help will be a major factor!
Thanks again, Alex M.

Christian Studer   2013-08-15 15:24
You're welcome. You wouldn't need to have UltraMon running to use the script, you could also create a shortcut to the script and set up a hotkey for it there.

Christian Studer -
Matija   2016-02-05 09:25
Hi, I have Samsung SyncMaster 2233BW monitor with 1680x1050 and Philips 32PFL6007K with 1920x1080

I tried with Ultramon change my resolution for TV but it won't accept nothing except 1680x1050. What should I need to do to have 2 cloned monitors with different resolutions?
Christian Studer   2016-02-05 12:36
You don't need to change display settings, just leave the Samsung at 1680x1050 and the Philips at 1920x1080, then start mirroring via UltraMon menu > Mirroring. UltraMon will then up- or downscale the mirror image as necessary.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> two different resolution monitors

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