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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Split Monitors, possible with ultramon.
Martin Heß   2013-07-18 04:31

i have a little porblen and did't found a solution by now.

I have the Zotac DP to 2 HDMI Splitter to be able to have 2 external monitors on my laptop.

The monitors are running in span mode. cause the video card thinks that only one really wide monitor is installed.

Is it possible to make windows believe that this are two monitors? Cause everytime i run a programm in fullscreen mode it is extended over both monitors. but i only want the fullscreen mode on one monitor.

with best regards
Martin Heß
Christian Studer   2013-07-18 14:51
UltraMon can't help with this.

One thing you could do is get a USB video card instead for the second external monitor, Windows would then see 3 individual monitors.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Split Monitors, possible with ultramon.

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