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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Disable or enable secondary monitor?
Joey   2013-07-18 18:57
Is it possible to make a hotkey that would disable or enable a secondary/tertiary monitor? There is a hotkey with this exact name in the current version but it doesn't actually do this. If used it seems to disable all none primary monitors. If used again it enables only the secondary monitor and leaves the other ones disabled.

What I'd really like to do is have a hotkey for disable/enable monitor 3 or disable/enable monitor 4. The existing hotkey makes it looks like this should be doable as it works but it's a little over zealous in its disabling and a tad lacking in its enabling.
Christian Studer   2013-07-19 12:46
You could do this with display profiles, create one for each configuration via UltraMon menu > Display Profiles, then create an 'Apply display profile' hotkey for each profile.

'Disable or enable secondary monitors' will disable all secondary monitors, but if you're on Windows 7 or later enabling all secondary monitors again may not work correctly, happens because UltraMon may not be able to automatically determine the correct settings for the disabled monitors.

Christian Studer -
Joey   2013-07-20 01:42
I tried it with display profiles but it doesn't seem to work. It works great for disabling the monitor I want but for some reason once the monitor is disabled ultramon no long sees it so I can't enable it with a hotkey. In fact the only way I appear to be able to get the monitor back on is if I use built in WIndows 7 display properties. That shows the third monitor as disabled and I can pick to extend the desktop there. Once I do that it shows up in UltraMon again.
Christian Studer   2013-07-20 12:52
Please check if you really have the latest release installed, version 3.2.2.

If yes, please run CcdInfo.exe and EnumDisp.exe with the monitor enabled and disabled, then send me the generated log files to

Christian Studer -
Joey   2013-07-20 14:41
Thanks for the help Christian. Really appreciate it, while making the log files I noticed that for some reason the monitor I wanted to turn on was listed as ignored, oddly this didn't seem to have any issue when turning it off. Not sure how that happened but now that I cleared that up my hotkeys work so I'm good.

Thanks again for the help. I feel a little silly having missed that.
Christian Studer   2013-07-21 12:34
Glad to hear that. UltraMon by default only ignores disabled monitors, that's what caused the odd behavior where you would see the monitor in UltraMon when it was enabled, but not when it was disabled.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Disable or enable secondary monitor?

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