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nicola 2013-07-30 09:19
hi, I have compatibility issues when I open several instance of the usual software I use. in simple terms the program crashes for a few seconds before "answer" again. increasing instances of the problem grows at times to lock all open windows on the same application(windows entirely white alternate with the attempt to portray correctly the program window).
I was advised to disable the buttons that ultramon will spawn the program (maximize / minimize to / from desktop and move window) and then I want to know how can I disable the window management.
I am not a technician and I would like ultamon remains configured as it has been set by whom he installed the workstation.
can i only disable this function so that my action would not prejudice further changes to the current operation? If so, how do I disable window management?
thanks for your time
Christian Studer 2013-07-30 14:24
You could disable the buttons for this specific application via UltraMon Options > Compatibility, configure settings for the application then enable the compatibility option 'disable window buttons'.
If you want to disable the window buttons for all applications you can do this under UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands.
Christian Studer -
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